Kept safely within one of the most beautiful old libraries in Spain is an amazing 1283 CE illuminated manuscript which quietly holds exceptional wisdom for one’s life. This insightful book is a compilation of games known in the thirteenth century and is entitled the Libro de los Juegos (Book ...
react-text: 175 Ian Michael counts thirty-five popular tales in the Libro de buen amor (LBA) calculating that they comprise more than twenty percent of the entire text (177). Regarding early works, Northrup Frye adds that "[n]early every work of art in the past had a social function ...
The New MSS of Alfonso XI's Libro de la montería and Moamyn/ Alfonso X's Libro de las animalias que ca?an]]>doi:10.1080/00393278808588006The microbial insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner var. kurstaki (Dipel 10G), was effective against larvae of the maize stalk borer, Busseola ...
Snow, JosephBoydell & Brewer
Cantigas de santa maria (t. iii) (ref.: 1455664) (ed. facs. de la ed. de 1922)Alfonso X El SabioJapan Society of Mathematical Education日本数学教育学会誌. 臨時増刊, 総会特集号
This article examines two medieval hunting manuals, Juan Manuel's Libro de la caza , and the Libro de la monter铆a , commissioned by King Alfonso XI of Castile, and King Alfonso X's law code, the Siete partidas , for their rhetorical and ideological portrayals of hunting and falconry as...
Catedral de murcia. vi centenario real academia alfonso x sabiodoi:10.3109/00016487109122451From a patient with mild chronic secretory otitis media the mucous membrane of the osseous part of the Eustachian tube and the middle ear were removed in toto and stained by the PA...