Sicardi's Libro Extrao is an outstanding saga structured upon regenerating and degenerative reading scenes during a significant historical period, when liberal and conservative politics struggled to impose a reason for the creation of the national state.Gugliara...
Quelibroleo, descubre tu próxima lectura. Pon nota a los libros que has leído. Opina, comparte, encuentra nuevos libros y lectores. Comienza a leer...
ya que muchos de los relatos que todos conocemos están en libros. El tema del cuentacuentos en esta ocasión girará en torno al Día del Libro y transmitirá el valor de la lectura a todos los niños participantes.
la gente más modesta aspira en sus ensueños a alcanzar la misma meta. Ahí tenemos al cacique Barroso que hace y deshace a costa de sus convecinos, un hombre casado que al mismo tiempo mantiene a una querida ...
Lecturas de un códice afrocubano. Naturalismo, etiopismo y universalismo en el libro de José Antonio Aponte (La Habana, circa 1760-1812)In this article we suggest using various analytical and bibliografical elements to read the "paintings" in the book of Jos Antonio Aponte, who was accused...
the social and artistic context in which the book was produced and used as a political and pedagical tool; the critical debate with the Naturalist episteme of "raciology" that the book initiates; and its recovery of the knowledge of the western Ethiopians to celebrate Africa's future in unive...
LECTURAS NO OBLIGATORIAS. ProsasSZYMBORSKA, WISLAWASixteenth National Conference on Manufacturing Research
Greater fluency, both in conversation and written communication, is the goal of this text. The chapters are thematically organized around topics of particular interest to students and include travel, sports, the environment, and more!Mujica BarbaraHeinle & Heinle...