This work analyzes the veterinary practices present in Vargas Machuca's Libro de ejercicios de la Gineta (1600). In his book, we find abundant descriptions of medical procedures for treating injuries and ailments in animals. This is an example of how some equestrian treatis...
FILOSOFA O CIENCIA DE LA HACIENDA? NOTAS EN TORNO AL LIBRO TAXATION. PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVESdoi:10.47092/CT.24.1.5PHILOSOPHYPUBLIC financeTAX lawsPOLITICAL philosophyTAXATIONAlthough philosophers' interest on tax matters is by no means new: in the academic realm of political and mora...
Daniel Quesada, Saber, opinion y ciencia.(Resena de libro)heart failurelength of stayhealthcare usehospitalisationinpatient managementReports on the referral of an aged woman for hospital admission due to perc...
UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.VV.AACouncil of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture...
Modernizacion de la ciencia en mexico.doi:10.4067/S0718-13372006000100010degradationdegradacion【Key Words】Bartolucci, JChinese Nursing Research
MINDSIGHT. LA NUEVA CIENCIA DE LA TRANSFORMACION PERSONALPoverty Reduction - Achieving Shared Growth Health Monitoring and Evaluation Services and Transfers to Poor Poverty Reduction - Rural Poverty Reduction Poverty Reduction - Poverty Reduction Strategies Health...
Panamá###Base de dadosThe zooplankton of the Albufera, a large but shallow hypertrophic coastal lagoon, is constituted basicly by the copepod Acrrnthocycl «pr z, erndlis and several rotifer species mainly belonging to the Bruchionus genus. Quantitative analysis of...