libretro-super/dist/info/ Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Copy permalink Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 27 lines (23 sloc) 830 Bytes Raw Blame Open with Desktop View raw View blame This file contains bidirectional Unicode text...
The easiest way to build all the cores (for Wii U) is to use libretro-super. Run ./ In case you only want to build one and/or more cores instead of all, you can specify the cores you want to build after the first command in no particular order. E.g.: ...
libretro/docs For Users Getting Started Lakka Documentation Sinclair Emulation Sinclair - ZX 81 (EightyOne) Sinclair - ZX Spectrum (Fuse) Super Cassette Vision Super Cassette Vision (EmuSCV) SpectraVision Emulation MSX/SVI/ColecoVision/SG-1000 (blueMSX) ...
Updated 5 palettes + 1 palette name.The Game Boy palettes that have been received an update are: Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3, and AKB48 Pink. Plus, Pepsi Blue from here on out is called Pepsi-Cola Blue, to avoid name confusion with the actual Peps...
Super Resolutions Native Resolutions CRT resolution switching & MAME Socials RetroArch RetroArch is the reference frontend for the libretro API. Popular examples of implementations for this API includes video game system emulators and game engines as well as more generalized 3D programs. These programs...
Next, we load our Super GameBoy ROM through 'Load Super GameBoy' in RetroArch's Menu Menu.Then, we start the content by selecting 'Start GameBoy' In RetroArch's Menu Menu.Warning You have to load any game in the core for the '2 Player Game Boy Link' entries to show up, this is ...
Super Cassette Vision Super Cassette Vision (EmuSCV) SpectraVision Emulation MSX/SVI/ColecoVision/SG-1000 (blueMSX) Texas Instruments Emulation Texas Instruments - TI-83 (Numero) Thomson Emulation Thomson - MO/TO (Theodore) MegaDuck Emulation Welback Holdings - Mega Duck (SameDuck) Core Li... ...
UpdateCore Info FilesviaOnline Updater UpdateDatabasesviaOnline Updater Restart RetroArch if any of the above was just done For a normal scan, the content must match existing databases from thelibretro-database README. If those conditions are met but content is still not being added automatically...
Super Resolutions The default super resolution is 2560. It is displayed just under the CRT switch option, which can be found in video settings. This can be changed within the retroarch.cfg. The only compatible resolutions are 1920, 2560 and 3840. Any other resolutions will be ignored and nat...