1. 创建表,提示已经存在 [root@node1]# hbase shell 2017-04-07 14:13:46,230 WARN [main] ...
Create a secret to be stored in the Azure Key Vault.setSecret creates a new secret in the Azure Key Vault. If a secret with the given name already exists then a new version of the secret is created.Java 複製 KeyVaultSecret secret = secretClient.setSecret("<secret-name>", "<secret-...
Create a certificate to be stored in the Azure Key Vault.beginCreateCertificate creates a new certificate in the Azure Key Vault. If a certificate with the same name already exists then a new version of the certificate is created.Java 複製 ...
Allow compilation with Boost 1.83 [#5810] Use real ALIAS target for flann to preserve properties on original target. [#5861] libpcl_common: [behavior change] Fix register macros to match struct definitions [#5604] Add computeCentroidAndOBB function [#5690] Remove unnecessary pseudo-instantiations...
The Arduino IDE doesn't like two libraries with the same name, so we had to come up with a new name. So in the IDE, it will appear as MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC Library; but all us know it by the primary header file, which is <arduino_lmic.h>. Information about the LoRaWAN protocol is...
If you use MFC, you've probably already had problems with /clr and DEBUG_NEW. You can also have namespace collisions with functions like MessageBox, which exists in the .NET Framework, MFC, and the Windows® API. In my January column, I showed how to create a project where only one...
Note: For VLE 1.1 and above, a "VLE" is a collection of nodes interconnected with a private network. To VTCS, a VLE looks like a tape library except that the VTVs are stored in Virtual Multi-Volume Cartridges (VMVCs) on disk. With VLE, you can configure either a VLE and tape or...
that is used by applications and DBAs in theBlobStoreTypefield when configuring RBS BLOB stores for a database. Examples are “EMC Centera”, “Microsoft SRS”. Provider writers are encouraged to start the type with the name of the company so as to avoid collisions with other provider writers...
Otherwise, it is added next to the currently selected element.Use the Search text field, located at the top of the panel, to filter the list of GUI elements available in the Library. For example, typing button in the Search field displays all the GUI elements with the button in its name...
Finally I have found the problem thanks in part to user4581301 which has pointed me in the right direction. As he/she said, the problem was related with the name convention because the differences in the C++ and C compilation. To solve it I just have added extern "C" to the header fil...