QLibrary mylib("Winmm.dll"); typedef int (*MyPrototype) (HWND, UINT, UINT, BOOL); MyPrototype qJoySetCapture = (MyPrototype)mylib.resolve("joySetCapture"); 1. 2. 3. 第一条语句是定义一个库对象mylib,将目标dll加载进来; 第二条语句是定义了一个函数指针类型,该类型定义的指针可指向返回值为...
下载 win8 兼容汉化补丁
使用DLL 的多线程 (msvcrt.lib) libc.lib、libcmt.lib、libcd.lib、libcmtd.lib、msvcrtd.lib 调试单线程 (libcd.lib) libc.lib、libcmt.lib、msvcrt.lib、libcmtd.lib、msvcrtd.lib 调试多线程 (libcmtd.lib) libc.lib、libcmt.lib、msvcrt.lib、libcd.lib、msvcrtd.lib 使用DLL 的调试多线程 (msvcrtd.lib...
Winmm.dll 5.1.2600.6160 176,128 14-Oct-2011 14:45 x86 SP SP3QFE Updspapi.dll 382,840 05-Jul-2010 13:16 x86 None Not Applicable 对于所有受支持的基于 x64 的 Windows Server 2003 版本和 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition File name File version File ...
1、确保 winmm.dll 文件没删除 2、关闭杀毒软件和防火墙 3、游戏路径不要用中文!4、安装你缺少的运行...
winmm.lib: 媒体播放相关库 wldap32.lib: Linux用configure->make编译(缺省同时生成静态库和动态库), ./configure --enable-ipv6 --disable-ldap 可以去除对openldap的依赖 用下面两个命令可以获取链接libcurl库的编译参数: $ ./curl-config --static-libs ...
1、确保 winmm.dll 文件没删除 2、关闭杀毒软件和防火墙 3、游戏路径不要用中文!4、安装你缺少的运行...
求助,壳之少女游戏无法运行。电脑室WIN8.1 64位,网上下载的壳之少女汉化版,点击后提示:Cannot load library WINMM.DLL,网上搜索了下好像WIN8系统需要补丁,于是下了个补丁覆盖后,点击后没反应,请问怎么解决?很想玩这个游戏啊。 分享19赞 探灵笔记吧 暴力男纸 刚买的游戏登陆就出现failed to load gkdclient libra...
dll, version: 6.1.7600.16385 Are there any base64 encoding/decoding libraries ? argc and argv in Visual C++ Argument of type 'const char*' is incompatible with parameter of type 'char*' Array of Bytes convert to bitmap in c++ array type int not assignable AssemblyInfo.cpp(1): warning C...
The old Windows Multi-Media extensions library orWINMM.DLL. This tutorial will not talk about Direct Sound or any other new audio system. In this tutorial, we will learn what a sound is and how to play it usingWINMM.DLL. In fact, we shall write a library that we could easily use in...