As a librarian of colour, one of the primary challenges I’ve faced is the feeling of being 'othered' within the profession. Whether in professional spaces, meetings, or even within my own library, there have been moments where my presence or perspectives were met with implicit bias or, so...
Courtesy of Diamond Schmitt TheOttawaPublic Library and Library andArchivesCanada Joint Facility is taking shape as a prominent landmark in the heart of the Canadian capital. Designed byDiamond Schmitt,in collaboration withKWC Architects,the institution is envisioned as an inspiring hub for gathering,...
A repo for the Alma letters used by Carleton University Library XSLT 4 alma-api-job-runner Public Run manual jobs using the Alma API, with error retries and email reports. Go 2 hours2drupal Public Take CSV files of Library service hours, and ingest them into Drupal 9 using the ...
Ottawa U improves access to e-libraryOttawa U improves access to e-libraryThe electronic journal (e-journal) library can be a rich resource for University of Ottawa (U of O) students, researchers and faculty, but when network limitations began to impede access to these digital readings the u...
逸夫图书馆 is a library in Inner Mongolia, North China. 逸夫图书馆 is situated nearby to Inner Mongolia University of Technology, as well as near the university 内蒙古工业大学金川校区北门.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapNotable Places in the Area...
Photograph:Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary. There is a coded language to this conversation. It is implicit, organic and almost impossible to understand without having lived through the institutional racism and systemic segregationist policies that guided...
Ottawa Public Library, ON Red Deer Public Library Regina Public Library, SK Saskatoon Public Library, SK Strathcona County Library, AB Vancouver Public Library, BC Waterloo Public Library, ON Winnipeg Public Library, MB New US Libraries: The following US libraries are supported as of this release...
Library Association of Ottawa-Hull Library Association of Portland Library Association of the City University of New York Library Association of the National Capital Region Library Association of the United Kingdom Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago ...
Lidia Uziel, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Library, USA Alie Bijker, University of Groningen Library, The Netherlands Astrid van Wesenbeek, National Library of the Netherlands Monica Ward, University of Ottawa Libraries, Canada ...
OPLOffice of Public Leadership(University of Illinois) OPLOil Prospecting Lease OPLOrder of Preachers Layperson(Roman Catholicism; Dominican) OPLOuter Port Limit(shipping) OPLOlympus Product Line(Sun) OPLOperating Parameter Limit OPLOffice of Policy and Legislation(US) ...