(书库),study room(阅览室),quiet zone(安静区),computer lab(电脑室),audiovisual(视听资料),interlibrary loan(馆际互借),reserve desk(预订台),fine(罚款),checkout desk(借书台),periodical(期刊),thesis(论文),dissertation(学位论文),e-book(电子书),audio book(有声读物),reference desk(参考咨询台),...
Reserve a study room or other space in the Wolf Law Library.Room Reservation Instructions Rooms may be reserved by and for the use of William & Mary Law School faculty, students, and staff. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact the Circulation staff! To reserve a ...
Reserve a Study Room Earth Sciences & Map Library Earth Sciences & Map Seminar Room East Asian Library East Asian Library Study Rooms Environmental Design Library Environmental Design Library Group Study Room Institute of Governmental Studies (Philosophy Hall 111)...
Nestled in a corner of our school library, we have meticulously crafted meeting rooms and discussion rooms, offering a serene space for teachers and students to escape the hustle and bustle, and immerse in focused learning and...
Proceed across the ramp to find the library's front entrance.STUDY ROOMS RESERVE A ROOM Until further notice study rooms are available for individual and group use. Study rooms are available for a daily 2-hour maximum per study group. Students can schedule study rooms online or at the ...
Some libraries will allow you to use any study room as long as it is open when you get there. For exceptionally large groups, consider asking about using a large meeting room at the library. "以 及后文"Oftentimes. you will need to reserve the room in advance, but this is not always ...
Northwestern users may reserve spaces in the library up to 7 days in advance for individual use and group meetings.Active learning classrooms,Special Event Spaces, and some specialized services have different means of reservation. By registering for a reservation, you agree to follow campus and libr...
The Library's group study rooms are for current students,academic use only. Reserving Rooms •Reserve a room at https://biblio.csusm.edu/groupstudy. •5th floor rooms open to reservations 2 weeks in advance;3rd&2nd floor rooms open to reservations 1 week in advance;4th floor rooms open...
Library staff reserve the right to cancel any room reservation. You will receive email notification of the cancelation. You must have a print or electronic copy of your confirmed reservation when occupying the room. Support Cook Library A Federal Depository Library ...
The University Library’s group study rooms are for current students, academic use only. Reserving Rooms *Reserve a room https: //biblio.csusm.edu/groupstudy. *5th floor rooms open to reservations 2 weeks in advance; 3rd & 2nd floor rooms open to reservations I week inadvance;4th floor roo...