Vietnam’s film with the title “Story of Pao” (Chuyện Của Pao), directed by Ngo Quang Hai (released 2006, duration 1 hr 38 mins) is a renowned classic in Vietnamese cinema, celebrated for its immersive portrayal of the life and culture of ethnic communi...
Truck: a Love Story by Michael Perry – I went down a rabbit-hole in the NPR archives recently, checking out old recommendations from Nancy Pearl and this was one of many that caught my eye. Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten – I’m not a fully fledged Ina Garten disciple...
Also, none of the kids were in their pjs yet, so I didn’t feel so bad. Again, since I was covering for someone, I tried to mix in some of what they do regularly with what I do for my storytimes into a mash up. THEME:Flowers WELCOME SONG: We Clap and Say Hello (to the tun...
“Please spare me… I’m not a fan of pain.” After having died three times, he realized death, no matter how many times, was something he could not get used to. Not to mention, Subaru’s death causes up until this point were all from knives. The scathing pain always felt fresh, ...
Posted inPreschool,Storytimes|Taggedbear,bears,polar bear,toddler,toddlers,winter|Leave a reply Earth – Preschool Storytime Here’s another post that I was delayed on posting. But the theme is evergreen. *** The first full week in October is Public Power Week! I was contacted by a colleag...
Anyway, I loved this frank, at times distressing, but ultimately hopeful memoir of Edel Rodriguez’s childhood in Cuba, and the way his family escaped Castro’s regime. It’s an emotional take for sure, but his tenacity, his candor, and his amazing artwork really bring the entire story ...
Determinants of Small and Medium Size Enterprises Access to Credit Schemes in the Mezam Division of Cameroon Ngoe Mukete, Zhou Li, Beckline Mukete, Namondo Irene, Aminkeng Terence, Coulibaly Abdoulaye, Kossi Fandjinou, Romeo Ekoungoulou, Fousseni Folega, Sajjad Saeed, Patrick Amah, Eric Za...
If you want to share a great, inspirational, funny, horrific or other story about an experience you have had at any stage in the hiring process, please do so here: A library job called me on a Monday afternoon to interview on a Thursday morning the same week. I was working late and ...
golden-crowned sparrow in Canada’s Yukon wilderness, whose extraordinary story reveals that “birds, like humans, have unique dialects that develop through generations of cultural evolution”: “A Sparrow’s Song Sheds Light on Being Human for Scientists” (Los Angeles Times, 15 March 2020, p....
I personally found it to be quite intriguing and instructive, even though it seemed eerie at times, especially at the end. This could be considered a very tragic story, but I think Oscar Wilde teaches some valuable lessons in this book. I would recommend the book to most people, although ...