针对您遇到的错误 ld: library 'rt' not found,我将从几个方面进行解析和提供可能的解决方案。由于您没有提供具体的操作系统和编译器类型,我将基于常见的环境进行说明。 1. 错误信息上下文 操作系统:通常,rt 库(实时库)在 Linux 和类 Unix 系统中较为常见,而在 Windows 或其他操作系统中可能不存在或者名称不...
Message: RT Library Call Stack (most recent call first): /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/tools/rt.cmake:42 (assert_file_exists) /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/all.cmake:137 (include) /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:20 (include) CMakeLists.txt:52 (find...
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found -- Found Threads: TRUE -- Found CUDA: /home/xysun/cuda/cuda-10.2 (found version "10.2") -- Caffe2: CUDA detected: 10.2 -- Caffe2: CUDA...
否则,它将返回 HRESULT错误代码,包括 E_INVALIDARG blob 损坏或无法识别,D3D12_ERROR_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH 提供的数据来自旧驱动程序或运行时,如果数据来自不同的硬件,D3D12_ERROR_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND。 如果为 pPipelineLibrary 传递nullptr,则运行时仍会执行 blob 的验证,但避免创建实际库,并在创建库时...
(not $ make install, so, we do not pollute system directory) $ ldd bin/exec/R (To make sure it will link libRblas.so although it may show that libRblas.so => not found) For developers who have installed R, please locate the path of libRblas.so and ...
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 依依宝宝呢 吧主管理权限的说明 2-有没有uu知道这个问题怎么解决,就差一步了,, 3-这是什么问题??kontakt has encountered a major problem 4-fl里打开kontakt插件时出现问题怎么办 5-Help!入库后library not found 6-使用kontakt作为ablet
Another benefit of these collection types is the great experience they provide for working with the Windows Runtime (WinRT). WinRT supplies its own collection types, such as Windows.Foundation.Collections.IIterable<T> and Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVector<T>. The CLR metadata layer...
本文将介绍怎样解决 Spring Boot 在启动时抛出 “org.apache.tomcat.jni.LibraryNotFoundError: Can't load library: *\tcnative-2.dll”错误。 最近在使用 Spring Boot 快速搭建项目,用来学习 Spring Data MongoDB 库,在运行过程中抛出如下错误信息:
getline() function identifier not found gettimeofday Getting 'fatal error C1189: #error : ERROR: msclr libraries are not compatible with /clr:oldSyntax' in one machine but it works fine in other. Getting a "No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute" when running my windows service ...
.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) swt-pi-gtk (Not found in java.library.path...so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) swt-pi-gtk (Not found in java.library.path...so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or ...