THE first report of the Public Library of South Australia, which was formed under the Libraries and Institutes Act, 1939, creating a Libraries Department under a Libraries Board of South Australia, with a Principal Librarian as administrative head, covers the half-year ending June 1940, and ...
南澳大利亚博物馆里的土著馆最有趣,展出了各种各样的土著物品和服饰,并且二楼整层楼都是环太平洋的各个土著部落的文物展示,复杂精致的图腾、丰富的颜色,令人眼花缭乱。 南澳大利亚州 南澳州立图书馆(State Library of South Australia) 介绍 南澳大利亚博物馆里的土著馆最有趣,展出了各种各样的土著物品和服饰,并且...
Accessions of MSS.—The Alexander Turnbull library, Wellington, N.Z public library of South Australiadoi:10.1136/bmj.1.5444.1246-cOral Contraceptives Side EffectsCancerEndometrial CancerCervical CancerOvarian CancerProgesteroneMetrorrhagiaContraceptive Methods...
State Library of South Australia 如果还有比悉尼大学主楼更像哈利波特取景地的地方,那么南澳州立图书馆一定要得到提名! 昏暗的灯光和古色古香的内饰,有种穿越进电影中的错觉。 置身其中,感觉连空气都是十九世纪的。手中的书籍不论年代,统统变成了指尖下的时间笔记。
Artists in South Australia, 1940-1950 : Art Gallery of South Australia LibraryArt Gallery Of South Australia Library
Sisonkecommented that none of the characters are easy to like. She said that non-South African readers see the characters as exaggerated, cartoonish, but that people who know South Africa “know” these characters. She asked Damon what he was trying to do with “that unlikability”. He repli...
Library & Information Science Research, a cross-disciplinary and refereed journal, focuses on the research process inlibraryandinformation science, especially demonstrations of innovative methods and theoretical frameworks or unusual extensions or applications of well-known methods and tools. … ...
Beecroft railway station Railway station Photo: Saberwyn, Public domain. Beecroft railway station is a heritage-listed railway station located on the Main Northern line, serving the Sydney suburb of Beecroft. Beecroft railway station is situated 1½ km south of Pennant Hills Library....
Law of South America (南美洲法律)KJ- KKZ Law of Europe (欧洲法律)KL History of Law. The Ancient Orient (法律史、古东方)KLA- KLW Law of Eurasia (欧亚大陆法律)KM- KPZ Law of Asia (亚洲法律)KQ- KTZ Law of Africa (非洲法律)KU- KWW Law of Pacific Area (太平洋区域法律)KWX...