App Mili - String Theocracy ("Library of Ruina" theme song) / piano cover by narumi 26.0万 166 01:11 App 【废墟图书馆】传闻-都市传说 1.5万 7 01:22App 【脑叶公司】 OpTheme2 — «Welcome, Manager» (piano cover) 16.6万 471 03:05 App 【Phigros自制/废墟图书馆】神权政治之绳 St...
展开更多 String Theocracy 音乐 原创音乐 Library of ruina Mili 废墟图书馆 脑叶公司 音乐 ProjectMili发消息 这里是Mili的官方号。用于发表Mili的歌曲。管理人是Cassie Wei (momocashew)。 关注39.5万 音乐 1/4 创建者:漁_chimeing 收藏 488.3万播放
《(已翻译)[LibraryOfRuina]Gone Angels [废墟图书馆] 离别的天使》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Library Of Ruina Global player ratings 96% 2% 0% 0% Game and Legal Info Our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious library, only to find himself co-star of an ensemble act with the library director teetering between lives and a wish. ...
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Library Of Ruina "May you find your book in this place." Combat between the guests and the librarians breaks out as if it were on a stage. Defeated guests turn into books, and the Library grows onward. And eventually, get your hands on… The one singular, perfect book....
废墟图书馆 Library Of Ruina|官方中文|NSZ|原版| 司书的情绪变化或将产生积极的影响,或将带来巨大的负面效果。 而宾客的紧张情绪逐步加剧,战斗难度亦随之上升,但与此同时您将有机会获得更稀有的书籍。 除此之外,战斗过程中将恰到好处地出现对话,为您的观赏体验增添一丝趣味。
Platform (Physical Ver): Game Introduction: Take up your role as director of the Library and welcome your guests. Librarians fight for the Library. The curtain opens on the battle between guests and librarians. Guests become books upon defeat, ...
通过图书馆对都市的世界进行了很大程度的补全,不得不说,都市的设定确实很吸引人。 2025-01-02 北岸西楼月 2024-12-28 未来信 2025-01-19 豆友FmGpPWXfU0 2024-12-27 softscars (北京) 2024-12-26 陈穸晞喵 (天津) 2024-12-22 momo 小鬼最多的一集,如果说剧情和艺术设定还算比较有...