Concordia code and the By the People transcriptions are released into the public domain. Anyone is free to use or reuse the data.More info on our licensing page. As of May 2022 the Library of Congress Concordia development team has moved issues out of Github to an internal system due to ...
Collaging through Space and Time: Computer Vision for Creative Explorations of the Library's Digital Collections - LibraryOfCongress/collaging-space-time
American Memory Library of Congress AnthroHub Anthropology Library at UC Berkeley. Arxiv at Cornell University Library arXiv is an e-print service of 538,000 articles in the fields of physics,...
Library of Congress LibreBor (Independent Publisher) LIFX Line Message (Independent Publisher) LINK Mobility LinkedIn [已弃用] LinkedIn V2 Lit Ipsum (Independent Publisher) Litera Search LiveChat LiveTiles Bots LMS365 Lnk.Bio LoginLlama Loripsum (Independent Publisher) LUIS Luware Nimbus M365 Search...
We have each been professional academic librarians for more than a decade. We have often felt like we were running on a hamster wheel, rarely pausing to catch our breath as we moved from one project to the next, or through the processes of tenure and promotion. Before long, we had achie...
Linked open data for subject discovery: assessing the alignment between library of congress vocabularies and Wikidata quality analysis initiative meant to evaluate linkages between Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH) and Wikidata as well as the results of this ... E Snyder,L Lorenzo,L Mak...
Library of Congress // Wikimedia Commons 1920: The Nineteenth Amendment women's right to vote On Aug. 18, 1920, women were empowered like never before in the United States after the 19th Amendment was passed. After a fight for women's rights that began more than a century before,...
He meets Helen Gandy, a new secretary at the Justice Department, and takes her to the Library of Congress to show her the card catalog system he devised. 他约见司法部新任秘书长海伦·甘迪(英语:Helen Gandy),把她带到国会图书馆,向她展示自己设计的卡片目录系统。 LASER-wikipedia2 5 Today, ...
(2010). Model-based data acquisition for improved eMaintenance strategies. Proceedings of the First International Workshop and Congress on eMaintenance (Eds: U.Kumar, R.Karim and A. Parida), June 22 – 24, held in Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. Anicic D,, P.Fodor, S.Rudolph, R...
(Japanese: かぼす) was edited to have phrases written in the font Comic Sans with differing colors, usually with heavily misspelled English. It was dubbed 'Doge', and became so popular it was been referenced by members of the United States Congress, a safety video for Delta Air Lines, a...