Few systems or scholarly prototypes have attempted this, and none have used the most widely used CV, the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), which organizes monograph collections in academic libraries throughout the world. This paper describes a working prototype of a Web application that...
LibraryofCongressSubjectHeadings Pre-vs.Post-CoordinationandRelatedIssues ReportforBeacherWiggins,Director,Acquisitions&BibliographicAccessDirectorate, LibraryServices,LibraryofCongress PreparedbytheCatalogingPolicyandSupportOffice March15,2007 (ApprovedbyABAManagementJune13,2007,withannotationsonRecommendations[p.9-13]...
item.languages array of object items item.languages object Library Of Congress Control Number item.library_of_congress_control_number string The Library of Congress control number. Link item.link string The link. MARC item.marc string The MARC. Medium item.medium array of string The medi...
Library of Congress Public Sphere 3 Comments Interview with Barbara Tillett August 9, 2006 by RoryLitwin Many Library Juice readers who are familiar with Sanford Berman’s work on LC subject heading reform have read or heard the name Barbara Tillett. Barbara Tillett has for many years … ...
Library of Congress Subject Heading Modification and Development of the Subject Authority File at Los Angeles County Law LibraryEnyingi, PeterFord, William TIamele, Richard TLaw Libr.j
This chapter describes the expression of relationships in a traditional library subject heading system, Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). Following an introductory section on the history and scope of LCSH, information is presented on its reference structure, documentation, and notation. The ...
On the Linguistic Argument for the Adoption of the Library Subject Heading Noncitizen This linguistic study contributes to the decades-long discussion on the inappropriateness of the Library of Congress Subject Heading illegal aliens by exam... LM Hartwell - 《International Journal of Legal Information...
item.languages array of object items item.languages object Library Of Congress Control Number item.library_of_congress_control_number string The Library of Congress control number. Link item.link string The link. MARC item.marc string The MARC. Medium item.medium array of string The medi...
The Library of Congress rejected pressure from student activists to change its subject heading "illegal aliens" to "undocumented immigrants," arguing that many do have documentation of some type and that the term is not widely used in law, but has decided to replace the former heading with two...
1884. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884, by T^^ JNO. J. MITCHELL CO. In the office of tlie Librarian of Congress, at Wasliington. ^^^,/^/l 1 I N DEX. PART 1. Preface Measurement of the Form Measurement Systems (Coats and Vests) " " (Capes and Cloaks)...