摘要: The article reports that the U.S. Library of Congress will offer buyouts to 349 employees following an agreement for an early retirement compensation package between the library and three labor unions representing its employees.年份: 2011 ...
At the Library of Congress, Employees Sing for Their SubsidiesMike Causey
Library of Congress will offer buyouts to 349 employees following an agreement for an early retirement compensation package between the library and three labor unions representing its employees.Kelley, M...
1. Library of Congress--History--Sources. 2. Libraries, National--United States--History--Sources. I. Cole, John Young, 1940- . II. Title. III. Series. Z733.U6L45 1987 027.573 87-15580 ISBN 0-88692-122-8 International Standard Book Number: 0-88692-122-8 CIS Academic Editions, ...
Different call number systems are used in different kinds of libraries, including — but not limited to! — the Library of Congress classification system that most academic (college and university) libraries use. But understanding the basic structure of call numbers will suffice for now!
congressmen/women) to host events for them at the library. We also get invited to be part of various partnerships and collaborations across the city and state. … I think all of this is because I’ve been trying to get out there and talk about who we are and what we’re capable of...
Labels:library of congress,open data Wednesday, December 10th, 2008 The New OCLC Policy and Federal Libraries This blog post attempts to show that the newOCLC Policy(bloggedhere) effectively anulls a longstanding principle of US law, that work performed by government officials and employees is fo...
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Blanchette, Jasmin. C++ GUI programming with Qt 4 / Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield.–2nd ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-235416-5 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Qt (Electronic resource) 2. Graphical user interfaces (...
Library of Congress, 777 F.2d 1573 (D.C. Cir. 1985). Pursuant to the challenged regulation in this case, a patron can be denied access to the Library if his or her appearance is "objectionable (barefooted, bare-chested, body odor, filthy clothing, etc.)" or if his or her appearance...
Library of Congress // Wikimedia Commons 1920: The Nineteenth Amendment women's right to vote On Aug. 18, 1920, women were empowered like never before in the United States after the 19th Amendment was passed. After a fight for women's rights that began more than a century before, ...