Library of Congress has selected 25 films from between the years 1913 and 1996 to add to the National Film Registry, making the updated total number of films on the registry 450. The films cover a range of American filmmaking, including Hollywood features such as "Blazing Saddles" and "Rocky...
Library of Congress"Star Trek II," "Dirty Dancing" among films named to National Film Registry Among the 25 films selected by the Library of Congress to be preserved for future generations are the Coen Brothers' "No Country for Old Men," "The Social Network," Cheech & Chong's "Up in...
“Films are an integral piece of America’s cultural heritage, reflecting stories of our nation for more than 125 years. We are proud to add 25 diverse films to the National Film Registry as we preserve our history through film,” said Librarian of Congress Carl...
Define US Library of Congress. US Library of Congress synonyms, US Library of Congress pronunciation, US Library of Congress translation, English dictionary definition of US Library of Congress. n. the national library of the U.S. in Washington, D.C. Ran
Library of Congress has selected 25 films from between the years 1913 and 1996 to add to the National Film Registry, making the updated total number of films on the registry 450. The films cover a range of American filmmaking, including Hollywood features such as "Blazing Saddles" and "Rocky...
The Library of Congress Film Registry has added "Iron Man," "Carrie," "The Little Mermaid," "Hairspray," "Pariah," and "House Party."
‘Dirty Dancing,’‘Beverly Hills Cop’ & More Films That Were Added to the National Film Registry in 2024 By Paul Grein Dec 18, 2024 6:59 pm Music News Library of Congress Acquires Papers of Composer Burt Bacharach By Paul Grein Nov 14, 2024 1:38 pm Awards Need a Laugh? Al...
In their 30th annual selection the US Library of Congress selected 25 films deemed "culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant to the nation's film heritage. The selection helps ensure that those on the list will be preserved for all time. Which of these films do you consider to ...
“The Gershwin home movies, long held in Ira Gershwin’s Beverly Hills archive, contain amazing images of interest to historians and fans alike,” said Michael Owen, consulting archivist of the Ira and Leonore Gershwin Trusts. “I’m overjoyed that the Library of Congress has digitized this col...
The Library of Congress was created by Act of April 24, 1800 (2 Stat. 56), which provided for the removal of the seat of government to the new capital city of Washington, D.C. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania had formerly served as the nation's capital), and for $5,000 "for the ...