Library management A full-stack Library Management web app. The project “Library Management System” is developed in React and Node.js, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding books, updating information, searching for books and members and returning books. Admin is the...
Since React 16.3.0, it’s officially stable and ready to use in production. In this article, I will introduce the React Context API for state management and create a similar solution as Redux without using a third-party library. Without Further Ado, Here Are the Steps: 1** Creating ...
jest.react.ts [core] Fix jest to run with new transform Apr 27, 2024 jest.setup.ts [core] Fix jest to run with new transform Apr 27, 2024 jsdom.mocks.ts [core] Fix jsdom failing to parse container queries in inline styles
support in Rollup for component styling Leveraging TypeScript for type safety Integrating Storybook into our library Setting up Storybook Create a story for the SmartRating component Testing with Jest and React Testing Library Building and managing the component library Dependency management Multiple index...
立即登录 没有帐号,去注册 编辑仓库简介 简介内容 The next generation state management library for React 主页 取消 保存更改 1 ByteDance react-model react-model master深圳...
The React FileManager is a great template that will help you implement file management into your React app in no time. The KendoReact FileManager is an in-depth sample that developers can use as a demo for how to manage a file system within any React app. The FileManager template allows...
ปิดการแจ้งเตือน Microsoft Authentication Libraries Overview What is the Microsoft Authentication Library? Supported authentication flows Request and cache tokens Public and confidential client apps Start using MSAL ...
Premium WordPress Media Library Management Plugins While the free plugins are efficient enough to categorize and sort media files, the premium plugins go further. They enable you to put files into folders, reorder files by drag-and-drop, and create galleries using tags. They also come with bette...
Programmatic asset management Upload Programmatically Use a Cloudinary SDK to upload media assets Upload Assets in React Upload assets using the Upload widget in a React app Delete Assets with Node.js Delete assets using various methods from the Node.js SDK See more... Optimization and deliver...
Fast and simple management of tasks with parent-child relationship and ability to split tasks into projects. Assigning task owners and due dates, tagging tasks, and navigating with shortcut keys. Configurable interface and behavior, in sync with DHTMLX Gantt, Scheduler, and Kanban board. ...