NYLINE, is an unmoderated listserv for “information about library developments in New York State, announcements from the NYS Library, library-related job openings in and around NYS, and networking and training opportunities.” There is also theNew York State Library Association JOBLine(job postings...
A library job called me on a Monday afternoon to interview on a Thursday morning the same week. I was working late and didn’t get to call back till Tuesday. I asked for a different or virtual interview because I had an other interview that same Thursday already and a program at my li...
Next followed another virtual presentation by Nurenzia Yannuar (Universitas Negeri Malang) on the topic Managing a University Library in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities. The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology aims for Indonesian research universities to advance in ...
This checklist recognizes the need for digital librarians to adapt to technological change. New standards, protocols, delivery mechanisms, and opportunities are continually appearing and have the potential to reshape thedigital workplacebeyond recognition. ...
Judy:Melvil Dewey hired women as librarians because he believed the job didn’t require any intelligence! It was a *woman’s* job![…]That means it’s underpaid and undervalued! That last quote and scenario came directly from a real-life librarian!Here’s how von Scherler Mayer described ...
Overall, all of these opportunities are great ways to help and give back to the community. These are all great opportunities if you are interested in helping with activities, helping those in need, or helping to care for animals. I would recommend all of these opportunities to anyone intereste...
Barrios Unidos, Spanish for “neighborhoods united,” recognized that exposure to education, arts, and technology had the power to transform the lives of young people whose circumstances deprived them of the opportunities many others take for granted. Barrios Unidos also offered former and current gan...
(CBRE), created a segregated system dividing employees into two groups. Group 1 included dining car employees and sleeping car conductors (white men), while Group 2 consisted of sleeping car porters. These separate collective agreements restricted seniority and promotion opportunities within each group...
twin sisters who, at the mature age of forty-two, are bored with high society and are too smart to sit back and do nothing when opportunities present themselves to help out women disadvantaged by their position or status. i love historical fiction with women who are ahead of their time. ...
The thing, though, is that public libraries have always been with me throughout my life. My childhood and teen years were very difficult times but I found comfort, even rescue, in the pages provided for free there. I hope future generations will be able to do the same. ...