This is part of why volunteer and former middle school teacher, Peter Frischman, spends his time at the Carnegie Science Center. “It’s been a learning experience and that’s what makes it fun because I’m still continuing to learn about different things,” said Frischman. Coming out of...
LibNFC (NFC - Near Field Communication) - “libnfc is a library which allows userspace application access to NFC devices.” Respository: Memory AllocatorsHorad - “The Hoard memory allocator is a fast, scalable, and memory-efficient memory allocator that...
Visit the IAS Volunteer Program portal (门户网站) and create an account. Fill out the basic information and hand in your application. We will check the application, and those accepted into the program will be contacted for training. The training must be finished before any volunteer task is pe...
When I was learning how to run rivers commercially in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I would often watch my colleagues as they ran difficult rapids. It soon became apparent to me who tended to be the best river guide. The best guide often was not who you thought they wou...
HSV-1 and HSV-2 Blood from vaccinated donors Lymphocytes from human volunteers vaccinated with recombinant HBsAg B cell population of two convalescent patients Bone marrow or blood from patients vaccinated against anthrax Blood from a human volunteer immunized with pentavalent botulinum toxoid (A–E)....
IRO is an all-volunteer organization that is governed by several committees overseeing communications, healthcare benefits, volunteering, website development and maintenance, and strategic planning. The organization welcomes you into its membership and looks forward to benefiting from your experience, ...