I'm a Leo woman (Aug.1 1984) and I have such a huge crush on an Italian Libra guy (Sept. 30 1986). First of all I'm black and I have never dated a white guy before, so this sudden interest is different yet really exciting. Every guy I have ever been serious with has been a...
I'm a Libra woman and I started talking to a Leo guy a couple months ago. We met online and got along perfect. We finally met and hung out a couple times and I have never felt so compatible to guy as much as him. Unfortunately he is in a very well known band and it scared me...
I am a Pisces woman married to a Libra. We are very compatible. His practicality balances my idealism, he's loving and caring. But NOT romantic and doesn't ooze any sex appeal. We are amazing friends but there is no fire between us. No passion. NOTHING. He tries but it's not natur...
My Aquarius man Is gentle when he needs to be and protective whenit's time. We are very compatible we have been married for 20 years we don'tfight. We go through life as though our worlds mesh and we just flow througheach other. Our sex life Is #1 every time Is like the first ti...
at least in my case.. So Libra Women if you are not already under his spell get out now and go find and Aries Man or a Taurus Man. My husband of over 10 years is actually a little of both since he was born on April 20th... Stay away from the Scorpio, it's a very lonely lo...