注意:由于你是在离线环境中操作,apt-get install -f可能无法找到所有缺失的依赖项。因此,最好确保你已经下载了所有必要的依赖项。 5. 验证安装是否成功 安装完成后,你可以使用以下命令来验证libgl1-mesa-dev是否已成功安装: bash dpkg -l | grep libgl1-mesa-dev ...
系统中自带的libgl1版本太高了,导致无法安装libgl-dev,从而导致libgl1-mesa-dev无法安装 解决: 使用aptitude来安装 sudo apt install aptitude 在安装libgl-dev sudo aptitude install libgl1-mesa-dev 他会提示你:保持当前版本,你选择N 然后提示你:降级 下列软件包,你选择Y 最后提示你:您要继续吗? 继续选择Y...
sudo apt-get install build-essential libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev causes the error. Without libgl1-mesa-dev the packages are installed successfully.TheMostDiligent added the needs triage label Aug 18, 2021 SoftCreatR commented Aug 18, 2021 Same here: Err:133 http://azure.archive.ubuntu.com...
在Linux系统下安装好Qt5,打开Qt Creator新建一个最简单的工程,编译却出现"cannot find -lGL"错误。 在网上搜索解决方法,找到的方案基本上是安装libgl1-mesa-dev,如通过apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev安装,但是在我自己的系统上尝试这条命令,无论怎么安装都会出现一大堆依赖错误,按照缺少的依赖一个个尝试安装,结...
在Linux系统下安装好Qt5,打开Qt Creator新建一个最简单的工程,编译却出现"cannot find -lGL"错误。 在网上搜索解决方法,找到的方案基本上是安装libgl1-mesa-dev,如通过apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev安装,但是在我自己的系统上尝试这条命令,无论怎么安装都会出现一大堆依赖错误,按照缺少的依赖一个个尝试安装,结...
FastDFS依赖无法导入 fastdfs-client-java 导入爆红 <!-- FastDFS--> <dependency> <group...
今天看到看到一篇MSDN文章《Parallelizing Operations With Dependencies》,作者是微软Parallel Computing ...
If you open up the install_dependencies.sh script you'll find this in the packages to install: libgl1-mesa-dev${XTAG} If you remove the ${XTAG} at the end of that, the install script should complete without errors. @arturocwhat's the XTAG meant to achieve?
If you are running Ubuntu, it is strongly suggested to use a package manager likeaptitudeorsynapticto download and install packages, instead of doing so manually via this website. You should be able to use any of the listed mirrors by adding a line to your/etc/apt/sources.listlike this:...
Software Request Hi, I require libosmesa6-dev, libgl1-mesa-glx, libglfw3 which I would normally install using "sudo apt install libosmesa6-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglfw3". Given that I do not have sudo access could you please make these pa...