P.S. Writing for Law & Liberty, Marcos Falcone of Fundación Libertad explained that Argentina’s march in the wrong direction was aided and abetted by a constitution that evolved in the wrong direction. …the 1853 Constitution…purposefully followed the model set by the American Founding Fathers...
…EQAO test results in math have been an ongoing concern, as have those in literacy, where roughly two-thirds of students in Grade 3 aren’t meeting the writing standard, which is equivalent to a B grade. This story raises a quandary for libertarians. Is it better the let the local ...
For instructions about how to tune the Liberty profile server, go to the following website: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSD28V_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.c ore.doc/ae/twlp_tun.html 2 Configuring and Deploying Open Source with IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty ...
Writing for the Telegraph, Dan Hannan, a British member of the European Parliament, sums up why the deal is a joke. The deal, as one Italian newspaper puts it, represents “a resounding victory for the EU over Her Majesty’s subjects”. Yet there was nothing inevitable about this climbdow...
…EQAO test results in math have been an ongoing concern, as have those in literacy, where roughly two-thirds of students in Grade 3 aren’t meeting the writing standard, which is equivalent to a B grade. This story raises a quandary for libertarians. Is it better the let the local ...
Academic research from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University shows that federal bailouts could even lead to higher state level taxes. According to their research, every dollar of federal aid to states drives state taxes higher by 33 to 42 cents. …State and local governments do not ...
He’s writing about what’s happening in the United Kingdom, but his arguments equally apply in the United States. …the more you tax something, the less of it you get. …plans to raise Corporation Tax and end relief on new plant and machinery will result in less business investment –...