President Trump will deliver the keynote address at Liberty University’s commencement ceremony. Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. provided the details of the May 13 graduation ceremony in a statement Wednesday. Falwell was a close ally to Trump during his campaign and told The Associate...
In those times, there was a high school graduation exam that also served as an admission ticket to most universities. The exam was then difficult and deliberately selective. I went to take the exam like a sheep to the slaughter. I failed, of course but with excellent grades in History, in...
Top: Jerry Falwell Jr. prays along with Liberty University senior vice president of spiritual development David Nasser during a convocation event in Dec. 2015. Bottom left: Michael Cohen, former lawyer for President Donald Trump, leaves federal court in New York after being sentenced to...
“We took it from an exclusive nighttime ceremony where only honors students were invited and rolled it into our end-of-the-year assembly,” Principal David Fabrizio said. “That way, everybody can celebrate their and their peers’ achievements.” Yes, let’s all get participation medals ...
We can only measure inputs (like spending and classroom size) and try to correlate them to measures of output (like SAT scores and graduation rates) that poorly represent consumer value. Of course, if we left this all to the private sector, we wouldn't need to measure any of this!!
In those times, there was a high school graduation exam that also served as an admission ticket to most universities. The exam was then difficult and deliberately selective. I went to take the exam like a sheep to the slaughter. I failed, of course but with excellent grades in History, in...