…his reality-proof incompetence in the face of persistent corrosive inflation, his lawlessness on student loans, his stupidity on uranium, allowing the chaos at the border to fester and intensify
Liberty Mutual Group, is more commonly known by the name of its primary line of business which is Liberty Mutual Insurance. The business is an American diversified global insurer, and the second-largest property and casualty insurer in the United States. If you have an issue with your Liberty...
If each of us participated in mutual aid, volunteered for local racial justice organizations, read compelling abolitionist texts with our families and friends, or otherwise made our belief of the value of Black lives, a discipline in lieu of voting, I believe we’d be living in a reality who...
Oregon’s land-use rules have been dysfunctional for decades. …strict limits on urban expansion…urban growth boundaries… Rising housing prices are the inevitable result of this government-imposed scarcity. …Portland has enforced an “inclusionary zoning” requirement on new residential buildings with...
’” Teller took the request to Jewish communal leaders. They told Teller that if the plan would be put in motion, “the police would be informed promptly.” Teller relayed this warning to his Murder, Inc. contact. Upon hearing this, the mobster angrily replied, “Tell them to keep their...
The world learned about Salman, Mudasir, and Mutual in the original English. If it’s good enough for a massacre at the Lekki Tollgate, it’s good enough for me. SARS: Don’t let it kill you, too. Other Africans had to wait to learn of their own blackness until they could take...
opinions on bigger picture “macro” topics that no one else at the firm was covering. These opinion pieces were extremely popular throughout the global investment community, and I traveled extensively providing advice to some of the largest mutual funds, pension funds and hedge funds in the ...
the Yakuza and the Sindacco Family. Naturally, the young man rolled with the former. Thankfully, there wasn't too much beef between them. They both had a mutual interest in protecting the area and keeping out any riff-raff who'd be bad for business and both had plenty of mutual enemies...
For all intents and purposes, he adopted an approach based on “mutual recognition,” and that makes it much easier for people in other states to shift economic activity to Arizona. P.S. George Will’s column also notes that Ducey is not a fan of Republicans who want to surrender to ...
On the contrary, the growth of individuality, autonomy, and self-sufficiency may be perceived as necessary conditions for the development of interpersonal cooperation, mutual dependence, and social solidarity. …normative or ethical individualism even elevates social welfare by promoting trust as well ...