《Liberty Leading the People》(自由引导人民)是法国画家欧仁·德拉克罗瓦(Eugène Delacroix)的一幅著名画作。 这幅画创作于1830年,是为纪念1830年的法国七月革命而作,这场革命推翻了查理十世的波旁复辟政权,并将路易-菲利普推上了王位。描绘的是一个理想化的场景,在巴黎街头,自由女神形象化身为一位赤裸上身、...
自由领导人民(The Liberty Leading the People)由欧仁·德拉克罗瓦 (Eugene Delacroix)创作于1830,现藏于卢浮宫。这幅作品成为了接下来几个世纪以来全世界人民追求自由的写照——当时的查理十世作为法国的最后一位国王,固执傲慢,极端地反对自由主义并企图进行独裁统治,导致了法国1830年爆发了大革命。德拉克洛瓦深受籍里...
Liberty Leading the Peoplewas painted in 1830 by Eugene Delacroix right after the revolutionary effervescence that had swept across Paris that same year. Characterised by its allegorical and political significance, this large oil on canvas has become a universal symbol of liberty and democracy. Often...
巴黎铸币局向法国博物馆中展示的或在法国绘制的最伟大的杰作致敬。 《自由引导人民》是欧仁·德拉克洛瓦 (Eugène Delacroix) 创作于 1830 年的一幅画作。同年,统治法国的查理十世决定通过压制新闻自由来抵消革命的成果。这条法律引起了持续 3 天的人民起义,称为“3 光荣”。这位艺术家为了向这场革命致敬,画了一...
And if you look very closely, you can see the tricolor on that symbol of the monarchy. And so this was such a radical image. Liberty is moving directly into our space, leading the people forward. You can see why this painting en...
Liberty Leading the People, oil on canvas by Eugène Delacroix, 1830; in the Louvre, Paris. 260 × 325 cm. liberty, a state of freedom, especially as opposed to political subjection, imprisonment, or slavery. Its two most generally recognized divisions are political and civil liberty. Martin ...
Liberty Leading the People LibertyLeadingthePeople(LaLibertéguidantlepeuple)《自由引导人民》LibertyLeadingthePeople(French:LaLibertéguidantlepeuple)isapaintingbyEugèneDelacroixcommemoratingtheJulyRevolutionof1830,whichtoppledCharlesXofFrance.AwomanpersonifyingLibertyleadsthepeopleforwardoverthebodiesofthefallen,holding...
Eugene Delacroix's "Liberty Leading the People" is one of the most influential paintings in history. This painting is very radical as it depicts the Revolution in France in the 1830's. The main figure is an allegorical character that we know as Liberty. Just like the Statue of Liberty in...
Liberty Leading the People Analysis The Liberty Painting Now Lesson SummaryLiberty Leading the People One of the most famous paintings in the world, Liberty Leading the People, expresses the ideals of freedom and democracy. Painted by Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix in 1830, this large-scale oil...
This fun art class include the following data: Painting Name: Liberty Leading the People. Artist/Painter: Eugene Delacroix. Year of the drawing: 1830. Type of painting: Oil on canvas. Estimated price 2023: 1 330 000 USD