The "liberty" protected by the United States Constitution has been variously interpreted as the "liberty" of thinking persons to speak, worship and associate with others, unimpeded by onerous state law; the liberty of consumers and producers to make individual market choices, including the choice ...
civilization不是人类conciouly创造的,而是无数个concious individual在寻找解决问题的solution中形成的,而它反过来又影响individual解决问题的方式 人类文明的发展事实上依赖于无数的概率事件 One finds the essence of freedom in spontaneity and the absence of coercion, the other believes it to be realized only ...
Keywords Capitalism Concept of Rights Constitution Constitutional Adjudication Controversies and Alternatives Democracy Freedom Human Rights Jurisprudence Law Legal Order in Mordern Society Libert Moral Theory Plato's Legal Theory Rule of Law Strong Judicial Review ...
133.The constitution guards the liberty of the people. 宪法捍卫人民的自由 想每天学习智恩创新英语频道的美国口语一万句专辑的朋友,可以关注和订阅我的喜马拉雅节目;学习更多美国英语,欢迎大家搜索和关注我的个人公众号:智恩创新英语 别忘了关注和订阅我的喜马拉雅--- 『智恩创新英语』频道哦, 同样 别忘了关注...
The U.S. Constitution specifies that Congress, not unelected bureaucrats or foreign adversaries, is in charge of crafting our nation’s tax laws. …Yet Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is turning this bedrock principle on its head by writing a global tax code with the help of European bureaucrat...
hopes. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save it. And what is this liberty which must lie in the hearts of men and...
Considering the rather large catalogue of rights found within the Chinese constitution, in the following we will make use of the right to liberty of person (renshen ziyou 人身自由) as stipulated in article 37 of the PRC Constitution as a case study. A challenge to this choice, however, is...
For the first time, we have made a preliminary attempt to include the US territory of Puerto Rico in the US all-government index. Puerto Rico ranks 61st at 6.65, 0.82 below the lowest-ranked Canadian province and only 0.08 above the highest-ranked Mexican state. The highest-ranked of the...
And he had no plan for how to get through the political walls Dems kept erecting, because he does not have a clue about the US constitution or how our government actually works. His loyalists have consistently tried to sell that as a benefit (and an excuse when he screws up). but if ...
Compared to four years ago, the threat to individual freedom, the Constitution, and the rule of law emanating from the oligarchy is both greater and imminent. In 2016, I said: “The federal government and the media are, as institutions, hopelessly corrupt and, although we have elections, we...