Liberty is just a mixture of freedom, restraint, and protection. ~Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw, 1818–1885)[spelling standardized—tg] Liberty has as many chains as slavery, but the golden chains of liberty decorate, and the iron chains of slavery degrade. ~Austin O'Malley (1858–1932)...
Frank Brown, Garibaldi, Oregon; four sons, Steve Liberty, Butte; Anthony Liberty, Bell Garden, California; Jack and Francis Liberty, both of Dixon, 22 grandchildren and five great grandchildren..." Missoulian, Sat. Dec.28, 1963, p4: " St. Ignatius - Requiem high mass will be celebrated...
De Bellaigue picks up this conventional narrative and follows it to the beginning of the 20th century with a dazzling richness of details. This is an imperfect yet welcome thick book on a subject seldom well covered. This book has, first, the merit of existing. Many people of culture, well...