Colorado, Iowa, and North Carolina are role models in this regard. Sadly, Louisiana did not impose a spending cap to accompany tax reform. P.P.S. While there has been progress in many states, Massachusetts voters made a terrible choice in 2022 and moved their state from the flat tax ...
…This is especially true for Italy, where until recently the ECB had been buying Italian government bonds equivalent to that government’s net borrowing needs. By the way, Lachman seems to think the Fed should allow continued inflation in order to help bail out Italy and the other PIGS. ...
It’s frustrating, though, that he failed to apply this analysis to other recent examples ofcorruption-enabling intervention, all of which involved the White House having the power to provide favorable treatment to campaign contributors. Such asthe TARP bailout. Such asObamacare. Such asObama’s...
I’ve written columns about new and expanded school choice programs inWest Virginia,Arizona,Iowa,Utah,Arkansas,Florida,Indiana,Oklahoma,North Carolina, andAlabama. And that’s reflected in this table from the ALEC report. There are now eight states that earn an A compared to only three states ...
If something isn’t done to reform programs and restrain the growth of government, I fear we areheading to economic crisis. Imagine what happened in Greece about 15 years ago, but apply it today to nations that are too big to bail out, such asItalyandFrance. ...
I think the TARP bailout was the low point of the Bush years, though he also deserves criticism for big spending hikes (especially the rapid rise of domestic spending), additional red tape, special-interest trade taxes, and more centralization of education. On the plus side, there was a ...
Here’s what should have happened to Argentina in 1958 (and what should have happened in 2018, and what should happen when there’s pressure for yet another bailout). The investors who buy Argentinian government bonds should learn thatlending to dodgy governments is a risky practice. ...
But I decided I was wrong about Iowa and Wisconsin. The polls from those two states are simply too unfriendly and I’m guessing the Obama turnout operation will be stronger. However, I’ve decided to shift New Hampshire to Romney, again because of the debate, so the net effect is a ve...
First and foremost, they think spending drives the economy, whetherconsumer spendingorgovernment spending. Critics like me argue that the focus should be on income and production. We want to increasesaving,investment,entrepreneurship, andlabor supply. Simply stated, money has to be earned before anyo...
You’ll see some states have made huge progress, most notably Arizona and Iowa, but also incremental progress in most states. By contrast, only a few states have moved in the wrong direction, most notably Massachusetts (thanks to a terrible referendum last November) and New York. As you mig...