Whenever you see someone put liberty and the pseudo so-called equality (in the context of today’s leftist societies) together and indicate that they go towards the same direction, you should immedi…
Liberty, Equality, and Tyranny ThemeTracker The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of Liberty, Equality, and Tyranny appears in each chapter of Democracy in America. Click or tap on any chapter to read its Summary & Analysis. How often theme appears: chapter leng...
liberal transformation, pioneered by the Dutch Republic, and then taken further by Great Britain and the United States, simultaneously widened the freedom for new experiments and enterprises through greater equality under the law, more secure property rights, and freer domestic economy and expanding ...
Because people are different, it is important to distinguish between equality of opportunity and equality of outcomes. People don’t understand inequality, and that leads many of them to overlook the important problem of poverty. We are getting richer over time, meaning that the middle class is ...
Aspiring to all three, still unattained, goals of the French Revolution,Liberté, égalité, fraternité(Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood/Sisterhood) our intent is to pinpoint the key elements of a better tourism & hospitality in the long term, using Science, more specifically the Science of Ecology...
We also partner with Street Child, whose mission is to ensure children are safe, in school and learning. Gender equality (SDG 5) We champion diversity, equity and inclusion, working to ensure equitable opportunities across our company. We have an ambition to achieve 45% women representation in...
Liberty Mutual receives a 100% rating on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Annual Scorecard on LGBTQ Workplace Equality in both 2018 and 2019. The company also received two awards from Forbes in 2018 — America’s Best Employers for Women and the Best Employers for New Grads awards. Pro...
Equality and Liberty for all. They spoke not of Freedom from Religion, but Freedom of Religion; not of Separation of Church and State, but of Separate Church and State; not of removing God from Schools, but of seeking His protection for Schools, to allow teachers, parents, administrators and...
I’m tempted to say it’s what she has said about wanting the Marxist notion of “equality of outcomes.” But I suspect (or hope!) that’s just empty campaign rhetoric. If we look at the specific ideas she has proposed, she was definitely radical when she rain in 2020, embracing cr...