1.liberal,radical,progressive,humanitarian,reformist,permissive,humanistic,broad-minded,latitudinarianThe town's political climate was libertarian. noun 1.liberal,radical,moderate,humanitarian,reformistLibertarians argue that nothing should be censored. ...
The Democratic Party has carriedon the federal government for 50 of the 70 years of the present century. Its creed is comprised in two ideas:first, to limit as much as possible all governmental power, enlarging always in everywhere the domain of individual judgment and action; secondly, to th...
On the more liberal side of the party's platform, Libertarians push for strong protections of civil rights and liberties. They believe and defend against Government overreach in private or family matters like marriage and abortion. The Party also has been openly criticizing the current war on dru...
The New York Times’Paul Krugman, assessing the presidential candidacy of Rand Paul, asserts that there aren’t very many libertarians in the United States. Most Americans, Krugman says, take clearly “liberal” or “conservative” positions on both economic and social issues. Here’s the graphi...
liberalistic自由主义的 adv. liberally大方地;自由地;公平地;充足地 n. liberty自由;许可;冒失 liberalization自由化;自由主义化;放宽限制 libertine浪荡子;性行为放纵者;放荡不羁者;玩乐者;自由思想家 libertarianism自由主义;自由意志论;公民拥有充分自由权论 ...
According to common meanings of conservative and liberal, libertarianism in the United States has been described as conservative on economic issues (economic liberalism and fiscal conservatism) and liberal on personal freedom (civil libertarianism and cultural liberalism).What...
The libertarian Cato Institute is "ultraconservative," in thetelling of the New York Times. And...Carney, Timothy P
If you are for one of those things but against the other, then you are neither a conservative or a liberal. I don’t know what you are, but I do know you’re not a Libertarian. Tom Liberman Gambling is a Problem for a Libertarian ...
cooperation is urged with the Socialist Party, or political action through a new party along the lines of that which the League for Independent Political Action is attempting to organize. This report, which is a document of 96 pages, declares that “Whatever its name, that party should stand ...
“The Libertarian Constitution” by Ilya Shapiro, Tim Sandefur, and Christina Mulligan: “This was probably an easier project for us than for our conservative and progressive counterparts because the current United States Constitution is fundamentally a libertarian or, more precisely, classical...