Liberal Versus Conservative Biology: Your Eyes Can Reveal Your Politics?Hank Campbell
Each of these faiths, liberalism and conservatism, use moral language and promote contrasting moral systems of life, both for individuals and for the community.Stephen Raper
Conservative versus liberal red cell transfusion in acute myocardial infarction (the CRIT Randomized Pilot Study). Am J Cardiol 2011;108:1108-11.Cooper HA, Rao SV, Greenberg MD, et al. Conservative versus liberal red cell transfusion in acute myocardial infarction (the CRIT Ran- domized Pilot ...
Conservative versus liberal fluid therapy for initial severe sepsis and septic shockThis is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To determine whether conservative or liberal fluid therapy improves clinical outcome in people with initial severe sepsis and...
Once again we see it is not just businesses, and their employees preferring conservative policies versus liberal state policies and laws, but according to the Associate Press, a left-leaning outlet, "Voters switch lopsidedly to GOP, in warning for Dems." ...
The National Review article by Jeremy Carl looks at the ongoing scientific and policy debate surrounding human induced climate change (AGW) through the optics of a liberal versus conservative political debate. No doubt it is partly this, and the examples cited demonstrate this pretty accurately. AGW...
More, it provoked a conservative backlash in a number of Muslim countries so that women there, al-Hibri writes, subsequently found it more difficult to obtain abortions. The tension noted above between North and South women highlights the individual versus communitarian character of their respective...
Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web" June 19, 2021Study Finds White Liberal Women Prone to Mental Health Issues - The Question Here Is Are They Drawn To Liberalism Because They Are ...
Men such as Plato, a conservative of the times, felt young men should be developing their mind, body, and character. While Plato views on education was somewhat different than that of the Sophists, it cannot be overlooked that the overall objective of the Sophists was to grow students into ...
In fact, most of them are conservative, rural, white males. Even fewer of the open-carry activists (I prefer “bullies”) are minorities. Brown people in this country seem to learn that brown people carrying guns in this country are a bit more likely to get shot on sight, so you’re...