Founded in 1972, the School of Liberal Studies is one of the ten colleges for undergraduate admissions at NYU. The school is mainly characterized by advocating liberal arts education and providing a platform for freshmen without c...
作为一位留学申请专家,我可以告诉你,纽约大学(NYU)的Liberal Studies Core Program(LSP)绝对是很值...
作为一位留学申请专家,我认为纽约大学 (NYU) 的 Liberal Studies Core Program(LSP)是值得学习的。...
NYU官网: 从录取方面来说,LSP...
目前是在NYU Liberal Studies Core Program(以下简称LSP),严格意义上来说这不算是一个专业。Liberal Studies(中文翻译博雅艺术)是College of Arts and Science之下的一个program,同时也因为人数众多,作为独立的学院存在。课程方面,必修课分别是:Cultural Foundations(文学艺术方面),Social Foundations...
Global Study, Liberal Studies | NYU About Arts and Science. The Institute of International Education reports that less than 10% of U.S. college students study abroad during their undergraduate education. At NYU, global study is encouraged, and Lib...
1什么是liberal studies Program纽约大学I got accpeted by NYU Liberal Studies Program?I'm confused what kind of program it is?Is it good for me or not?My major is Film and Television.The admission acceptence expressed if I meet the requirement of Film department,my admission to Tisch School ...
liberal arts什么意思liberal arts 英英释义 noun 1. studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills) e.g. the college of arts and sciences Synonym: humanistic disciplinehumanitiesarts...
在学院选择时,NYU提示学生可以勾选职业研究学院下的Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies,如果未被自己喜欢的学院或者项目录取,也可以考虑它。除了这个学院的申请区别,纽大其他学院对转学生还有很多额外的要求:03 这几个学院及其专业有额外要求,有些不对外部转学生开放申请...Arts & Science是纽约大学的创始...