The American phalange was met in Realejo by distinguished representatives of the Nicaraguan Liberal Party. Američka falanga se iskrcala u Realehu, Nikaragva, gdje smo se sreli sa istaknutim pretstavnicima Liberalne stranke Nikaragve. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Last month, a Democrat politician...
Full list of Liberal Party members of the House of Representatives following the 1998 federal election.
The article reports on an announcement by Nick Clegg, leader of the Great Britain's (GB) political party Liberal Democrats, regarding his party's Countryside Charter. It mentions the party's plan to roll out an effective badger cull after the party remain in government after the general electi...
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. He was rich, had good contacts, appreciated intrigue and immersed in commerce oriented toward service and merit, which united many of theliberaleliteof the time. ...
大量翻译例句关于"miChael grant ignatieff , leader of the liberal party of Canada" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
Democrat Party Autopsy Locked in a Basement Notice of Civil Rights Violation Disparity Between Political Translation and Human Transliteration Never as Sweet as the Memory We Are Our Works: Anthea Syrokou Responds On Branding, Own the Generic: Why I Became “David Boles” on the Internet The Wild...
Liberal Party The Smoking Gun Posted by Peter Dickens 18 Torch Commando Series – Part 5 The Smoking Gun The military ‘struggle’ of White South Africans against Apartheid is a complex one seldom acknowledged. It’s politically ‘inconvenient’ history and hidden from the mainstream. It is ...
erwähnte Kasia in unseremGespräch. Wir saßen lange im Park, während Kasia ausführlich über ihre Erfahrungenmit Sexualität und Sexarbeit sprach und selbstkritisch ihr Leben reflektierte. In diesemZusammenhang war dieser Satz nur eine Nebenbemerkung,die allerdings die Ambiva-lenzenkond...
The following article develops an investigation into the processes by which the Liberal Republican Party (LRP) was created and dissolved, with such an association existing in the state of Paran谩 from 1923 to 1924. By means of a case study, the aim of this work is... (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) 相似文献 同作者Money and Good Intentions Are Not Enough: Or, Why a Liberal Democrat Thinks States Need Both Competition and Community 1998. Money and Good Intentions Are Not Enough: Or...