ESLPodcast643–LiberalandConservativeNews CULTURENOTE Havinganunbiasedmediais“critical”(veryimportant)tothesuccessofa participatory“democracy”(aernmentwhereallpeoplecanvoteequally), becausepeopleneedaccessto“accurate”(correct;precise)information. However,intheUnitedStates,many“cablenewschannels”(TVchannelsth...
Data released Tuesday show CNN shedding 48 percent of total viewers since last November and MSNBC dropping 45 percent.As Noel Sheppard points out at NewsBusters, the numbers were even worse in the all important demographic of people aged 25 to 54...It&apos...
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristofsaid that“cable providers should be asked why they distribute channels that peddle lies.” And Washington Post columnist and CNN analyst Max Bootwrotethat cable providers should “step in and kick Fox News off.” If Newsmax and rival One America News Netw...
The difference between Fox News and social media is that Facebook and Twitter do not actually create the content that their sites carry. Fox News creates its content and therefore is solely responsible for what goes out over its single channel of airwaves and cable. If guests on their programs...
Sign up for Dr Mark Pack's Liberal Democrat Newswire: a free monthly email newsletter about the Liberal Democrats. "Excellent" - Vince Cable.
Unite The Union
News Consumers Get Fix on Cable; the Reaction of the Old Liberal Establishment to the Rise of Fox News Shows That the Ground Is Shifting in TV News from Broadcast to CableByline: John Berlau, INSIGHTInsight on the News
Cable claims Bank is afraid of raising rates.(News Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman Vincent Cable)(Brief Article)Henshall, Angela