3.波莫纳学院(US NEWS 文理学院排名第3)波莫纳学院是美国西部最顶尖的文理学院联盟-加州五校联盟的成员...
Looking for an ethnically diverse college campus? See the campus ethnic diversity rankings for National Liberal Arts Colleges at U.S. News.
US.News:LAC与大U综排标准一致 文理学院=博雅教育? 稍微对文理学院有些许了解的家长和同学,却又容易陷入另一个知识误区:“文理学院教育=博雅教育”。 博雅教育是Liberal Arts Education的翻译,国内也有译成通识教育,人文教育的,英文说法上看起来和文理学院非常相似。博雅教育确实是文理学院的教育初心,也是核心。 博雅...
Which liberal arts colleges offer students the best value? Find the best value colleges and universities at U.S. News.
文理学院(Liberal Arts College),又称博雅学院,是美国高等教育的重要种类之一。被普遍认为代表着经典、小班规模和高质量的本科教育。 这些学院致力于培养全面发展、高素质和高修养的文化人才。 在美国有大约300所文理学院。排名前50的文理学院通常具有百年的悠久历史。文理学院的大部分学生家庭背景良好,他们热衷于学习英语...
Grinnell College 格林奈尔学院是美国爱荷华州的一所著名的文理学院,安静的小镇、轻松的氛围、善良友好的...
LAC是指注重本科教育,所开设专业多集中在博雅教育(Liberal Arts Education)范畴的大学,规模普遍较小,大多不颁发研究生学位,且绝大多数为私立院校。 美国大学最权威的排名机构《美国新闻和世界报导(US News)》又把全美的5300多所大学细分为了四类——National Universities、National Liberal Arts Colleges、Regional Univer...
Forget the typical 2020 Top College Rankings... they're wrong and they don't tell you the truth about the Best Liberal Arts Colleges. Find the top liberal arts colleges and discover which colleges provide the best campus experience.
Liberal arts colleges have been part of the American academic landscape almost since the beginning of higher education in the United States; the oldest were founded in the late 1700s. They are largely an American invention, although there are fledgling liberal arts colleges being established around...
To unlock full rankings, SAT/ACT scores and more, sign up for the U.S. News College Compass!More Card ViewTable View Clear Filters National Liberal Arts Colleges Social Mobility Sort by: School Name Location Rankings Tuition and Fees <$5,000 - $50,000+ Enrollment 0 - 14,000+...