The meaning of LIBERAL ARTS is college or university studies (such as language, philosophy, literature, and abstract science) intended to provide chiefly general knowledge and to develop general intellectual capacities (such as reason and judgment) as op
相关的词:Trivially。关于"与无用信息相关"的意义演变,参见trivia。 广告 liberal arts 的使用趋势 广告 仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofliberal arts
liberal arts plural noun the academic course of instruction at a college intended to provide general knowledge and comprising the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, as opposed to professional or technical subjects. (during the Middle Ages) studies comprising the quadrivium and tr...
The liberal in liberal arts, a cornerstone of the education of so many, hasvery little to do with political leanings; its roots can be traced to the Latin word liber, meaning “free, unrestricted.” Our language took the term from the Latin liberales artes, which described the education gi...
The meaning of LIBERAL is inclined to be open to ideas and ways of behaving that are not conventional or traditional : broad-minded, tolerant. How to use liberal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Liberal.
洛威(TheodoreJ. Lowi)曾经从政治的角度分析古典教育(classical education)、自由教育(liberal arts education)、学科教育(disciplinaryeducation)、实用教育(practical education)以及技术教育(technocratic education)和不同阶层的关系,他认为古典教...
Ollom (1923–2013), delivered at "The First Conference on Liberal Arts Education" conference, held on April 19, 2014, at Nottingham University Ningbo China. The author was Special Advisor to the Rector and Director of Global Affairs, University of Macau....
Wikipedia education that enlarges and disciplines the mind and makes it master of its own powers, irrespective of the particular business or profession one may follow. See also:Liberal Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. ...
教育概念意思arts文科教育Artsarts的 系统标签: liberalartseducationdefining文科blaich Operational Definition - 1 Executive Summary: Defining Liberal Arts Education Charles Blaich, Anne Bost, Ed Chan, and Richard Lynch In this short paper, we will outline both the rationale for and the implications of ...
The meaning of LIBERAL EDUCATION is education based on the liberal arts and intended to bring about the improvement, discipline, or free development of the mind or spirit.