文理学院是美国高校的原型,在美国高等教育体系中曾经拥有主导性的地位。1636年建立的哈 佛学院是美国...
对于本科申请来说,一般情况下能发放全额奖学金的美国大学主要集中在美国文理学院(Liberal Arts Education)...
Get an answer to the question “What is liberal arts education?” across the world, including info on career prospects and skills gained.
National Liberal Arts Colleges can be an ideal environment for students seeking a more personalized and intellectually enriching college experience. Check out the liberal arts colleges that topped the 2025 Best Colleges rankings and see key details about each, including costs using the latest data avai...
National Liberal Arts Colleges can be an ideal environment for students seeking a more personalized and intellectually enriching college experience. Check out the liberal arts colleges that topped the 2025 Best Colleges rankings and see key details about each, including costs using the latest data avai...
Get the up-to-date information on the top liberal arts colleges in the country. See what it takes to get accepted. Videos, interactive graphs and more!
college of liberal arts 文学院;人文学院 liberal studies 人文学科 liberal translation 意译法 liberal arts college 文理学院;文科大学 双语例句 I'm not a bleeding heart liberal. 我不是一个假装同情只说不做的自由主义者。I hadn't got him marked down as a liberal. 我当时还没有把他看作自由...
Forget the typical 2020 Top College Rankings... they're wrong and they don't tell you the truth about the Best Liberal Arts Colleges. Find the top liberal arts colleges and discover which colleges provide the best campus experience.
educational opportunities that cannot be obtained from trade or technical schools. Many colleges with strong liberal arts programs have interdisciplinary studies, internships, study abroad, and other opportunities that go into educating the student as a whole, adding depth to the ov...
Founded in 1972, the School of Liberal Studies is one of the ten colleges for undergraduate admissions at NYU. The school is mainly characterized by advocating liberal arts education and providing a platform for freshmen without c...