The meaning of LIBEL is a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought. How to use libel in a sentence.
The meaning of LIBEL is a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought. How to use libel in a sentence.
1、The ruling set a precedent for futurelibelcases.(这项裁决为今后的诽谤案提供了判例。) 2、Lord Lester also wants mostlibelcases to be heard by a judge, not a jury.(莱斯特勋爵同时也希望大部分诽谤案件由法官而不是陪审团裁决。) ...
An online trade libel lawsuit, the Plaintiff (whom we’ll call “Acme”) sued an anonymous user (“John Doe”) for allegedly posting false and defamatory statements about Acme’s product on Facebook. Since the user posted under an alias, Acme filed a John Doe claim to uncover the real n...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook libel Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Legal,Idioms,Wikipedia. 1.Law a.the publication of defamatory matter in permanent form, as by a written or printed statement, picture, etc. b.the act of publishing such matter ...
因医院错误诊断病情而在Facebook上诋毁医院。 youdao 23. Usually, they run foul of laws on “defamation”, ie,libel. 通常他们会触犯“诽谤罪”。 youdao 24. That would stop the most absurd instances oflibeltourism. 这可以阻止那些荒谬的旅游型诽谤诉讼。
Mrs Stocker’s claim on Facebook that Mr Stocker had“tried to strangle”her spurred him on to start defamation proceedings against his ex-wife. He claimed that the meaning of the words “tried to strangle me”were that he had tried to kill her by strangulation. M...
It is open to the plaintiff to innuendo a statement, that is, to show that a statement which is not, on the face of it, defamatory, actually has a defamatory meaning. The plaintiff must state in words in his pleadings what this meaning is. A statement in a foreign language always ...
This issue often comes up in the context of calling someone a stalker. Jane posts on Facebook that "Joe is a total stalker", and Joe wants to sue for defamation. He admits that he left several voice mail messages for Jane, but he has looked up the definition of stalking under the cri...
Listen to the accused show, “After the Insurrection” (also on Facebook and all of our other platforms, none of which were censored), and I guarantee you’ll hear nothing that remotely resembles “harassment” or “bullying” anywhere. Our attorneys didn’t. The show is just 90 minutes ...