从学生到职场精英,libcimbar为不同用户群体提供了一种简便而高效的文件共享解决方案,充分展现了这一工具在动态工作环境中的适应性。 对于整个行业而言,libcimbar的推出可能会促使竞争对手重新审视现有产品的设计理念和市场策略。当用户开始青睐于这种无需依赖网络或蓝牙的便捷方式时,更多的文件共享工具或将跟随这一趋势,...
该项目提供了一种新颖的数据传输方式,通过显示条形码并使用摄像头进行传输,无需网络或蓝牙连接。它使用 C++ 编写,并依赖 OpenCV 和 GLFW 等库,内置的编码器可以生成类似二维码的动态动画,用户在手机上安装解码应用后,通过摄像头扫描即可成功接收数据,传输文件的最大限制为 33 MB。
Libcimbar可以制作文件传输二维码 #科技改变生活 #ai #遇到问题找豆包
Optimized implementation for color-icon-matrix barcodes - libcimbar/package-cimbar-html.py at master · 365-W/libcimbar
libcimbar: Color Icon Matrix Barcodes Behold: an experimental barcode format for air-gapped data transfer. It can sustain speeds of 850 kilobits/s (~106 KB/s) using just a computer monitor and a smartphone camera! Explain? The encoder outputs an animated barcode to a computer or smartphone ...
libcimbar: Color Icon Matrix Barcodes Behold: an experimental barcode format for air-gapped data transfer. It can sustain speeds of 943+ kilobits/s (~118 KB/s) using just a computer monitor and a smartphone camera! Explain? The encoder outputs an animated barcode to a computer or smartphone...
libcimbar is fairly optimized, to achieve the proof part of proof-of-concept. Specifically, it felt unreasonable to claim that it could be used to transfer MBs of data over a camera lens (on a non-geologic time scale) without seeing performance numbers to back that up. Performance optimizati...
INTRODUCTION|ABOUT|CFC| LIBCIMBAR DETAILS|PERFORMANCE|TODO libcimbar: Color Icon Matrix Barcodes Behold: an experimental barcode format for air-gapped data transfer. It can sustain speeds of 850 kilobits/s (~106 KB/s) using just a computer monitor and a smartphone camera!
Ominai/libcimbarPublic forked fromsz3/libcimbar NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Files master .github bitmap samples ...
libcimbar: Color Icon Matrix Barcodes Behold: an experimental barcode format for air-gapped data transfer. It can sustain speeds of 850 kilobits/s (~106 KB/s) using just a computer monitor and a smartphone camera! Explain? The encoder outputs an animated barcode to a computer or smartphone ...