6. Open the VRC SDK panel and press the Build & Publish for Windows button TOS: ♡ Redistributing, re-selling, or sharing my models is prohibited. ♡ No refunds. ♡ Can NOT upload publicly. ♡ Can NOT take parts from the model without purchasing or boosting for original (this in...
在现在大型的项目或者软件开发中,一般都会有很多种终端, PC端比如Winform、WebForm,移动端,比如各种Native客户端(iOS, Android, WP),Html5等,我们要满足以上所有这些客户端的需求,实现前后端的分离,一种最常见的做法是,编写WebService API来为以上客户端提供数据。近年来越来越多的企业或者网站支持Restfull方式的WebS...
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