All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries. • Browse your library’s digital catalog of books — from classics to NYT best-sel...
All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries. • Browse your library’s digital catalog of books — from classics to NYT best-sel...
回应@老伍:有两种办法看到:1.用overdrive或libby app搜图书馆capital library就是首图了。 2.微信公众号 首图数字图书馆 ,进去点overdrive在微信上看 了蒂2023-10-22 15:37:00北京 回应@karenkaren:我用的首都图书馆小程序注册了读者号 然后登陆libby(輸入讀者號和pin)就可以享用了開心 無2021-05-13 17:13...
Chrome/Safari/Firefox/Edge) 1.1 How to borrow e-books 1.2 How to search for e-books 1.3 How to manage your search results 1.4 How to manage the details page 1.5 How to manage your account User Guide ...
Now go to your kindle device, or kindle app, tap "Sync” to download your library books borrowed with Libby. Pro tip 1:You can also borrow Libby books on Android, iOS, and Kindle Fire using the steps outlined above. Pro tip 2:This method only works for those who possess US library ...
All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries. • Browse your library’s digital catalog of books — from classics to NYT best-sel...
CodeWeavers 我们不拘一格,我们不随波逐流,我们是软件解放者。我们极其擅长我们所做的事情,这是我们的使命使然。与开源为伴的开发者成千上万,但只有其中极少数能够让原本为一个平台设计的软件工作在另外一个平台上。我们创造了 CrossOver——一种独一无二的跨平台兼容方案,不需要双启动和其他系统的使用许可。我们...
There’s only one thing easier than visiting the library: bringing it to you. Meet Libby, an app that lets you log in to your local library to access ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines, all for the reasonable price of free. Sign in, link your library card, and go—it’s that simple...
If you're an OverDrive app user, check out these FAQs tailored just for you. You'll find getting started information, recommended setup tips, a video overview, and more.
You are about to download theLibby, by OverDrive 8.1.2 for iPhone and iPad (iOS 10.0 or Later): Libby, by OverDrive is a free Entertainment App: Libby, the library app, Library audiobooks and ebooks, Ebooks from your local library... ...