libavcodec:CODEC其实是Coder/Decoder的缩写,也就是编码解码器; libavdevice:对输出输入设备的支持; libavformat:对音频视频格式的解析 libavutil:集项工具; libpostproc:后期效果处理; libswscale:视频场景比例缩放、色彩映射转换;
- libavformat - libavutil - libswscale - libavcodec 这些库可以在 libavcodec 的官方网站上下载,也可以通过包管理器进行安装。例如,对于 Ubuntu 系统,可以使用以下命令安装: ``` sudo apt-get install libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libavcodec-dev ``` 2.下载 libavcodec 源码 接下来,需...
libavformat libavutil libpostproc libswresample libswscale presets tests tools .gitattributes .gitignore .mailmap .travis.yml COPYING.GPLv2 COPYING.GPLv3 COPYING.LGPLv2.1 COPYING.LGPLv3 CREDITS Changelog MAINTAINERS Makefile RELEASE configureBreadcr...
libavformat libavutil libswscale presets tests tools .gitignore COPYING.GPLv2 COPYING.GPLv3 COPYING.LGPLv2.1 COPYING.LGPLv3 CREDITS Changelog Doxyfile INSTALL LICENSE Makefile README RELEASE arch.mak avconv.c avplay.c avprobe.c avserver.c cmdutils.c cmdutils.h cmdutils_common_opts.h common.m...
Core vPro 包含一个独立的物理处理单元ME并嵌入在CPU中,ME拥有独立的操作系统。只要
ffmpeg API 笔记:使用libavcodec/libavformat/libswscale December 11, 2009 Update 2010.1.5:其实研究ffmpeg不用找什么教程,第一步应该是下载ffmpeg的源码包。下面提到的An FFmpeg and SDL Tutorial确实有讲解,但是教程总是跟不上代码的变化的,所以直接看可工作代码最好;ffmpeg的结构很分明,后台是几个库:libxxx,前...
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev runs it installs When the import cv2 runs it expects Even with the version you suggested above. Could we somehow rebuild the latest-OpenCV.deb so it has the latest version of...
Unofficial FFmpeg with added custom native Visual Studio project build tools. FFmpeg: A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. - FFmpeg/libavcodec/avcodec.h at cc35f6f4768ffe57cc4fcfa56ecb89aee409e3d5 · wwwxxxww
libavformat libavresample libavutil libswscale presets tests tools .gitattributes .gitignore .travis.yml COPYING.GPLv2 COPYING.GPLv3 COPYING.LGPLv2.1 COPYING.LGPLv3 CREDITS Changelog INSTALL LICENSE Makefile README RELEASE arch.mak avconv.c avconv.h avconv_dxva2.c avconv_filter.c...