在测试目录下建立一个名为sub的子目录 $ mkdir test $ cd test $ mkdir sub ...
引言 在大多数情况下,我们习惯于使用 Delete 键、垃圾箱或 rm 命令从我们的计算机中删除文件,但这...
生命在于积累,积累源于思考! 与其坐而论道,不如起而行之。 博客园::首页:: ::联系:: ::管理 posts - 34, comments - 0, views -39641 公告 昵称:运动和行动 园龄:11年4个月 粉丝:3 关注:5 +加关注 <2025年3月> 日一二三四五六 2324252627281 ...
如果LD_LIBRARY_PATH已经设置,你需要在其值后面添加冒号(:)和新的库目录路径。如果LD_LIBRARY_PATH未设置,则直接设置新的库目录路径。 例如,如果当前LD_LIBRARY_PATH为/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib,并且你要添加/usr/local/mylibs,则新的LD_LIBRARY_PATH应为/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/mylibs。 使用...
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 1. This change will last only for the current session. Once you log out or close the terminal, it will be reset. Permanent Method (system-wide) To make the change permanent for all users, you need to add the path to the dynamic...
解决“docker UnsatisfiedLinkError: no liblinkagesdk.so in java.library.path”错误 问题描述 在使用 Docker 运行一个 Java 应用程序时,可能会遇到UnsatisfiedLinkError: no liblinkagesdk.so in java.library.path错误。这个错误通常是由于缺少某个所需的本地库文件而引起的。本文将介绍如何解决这个问题。
Keep things work as expected whenHOMEBREW_PREFIX/libinLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Step-by-step reproduction instructions (by runningbrewcommands) $docker run -it --rm --pull=always -h ubuntu ghcr.io/homebrew/ubuntu20.04:latestlatest: Pulling from homebrew/ubuntu20.04Digest: sha256:5fbcdc25290b1763e71ac...
setenv( "APP_DATA_PATH", appinf.dataDir, 1); setenv( "APP_LIB_PATH", appinf.nativeLibraryDir, 1); if (mPref.getBoolean("rodir", false)) setGameDirectoryPath(LauncherActivity.getAndroidDataDir()); setenv( "VALVE_GAME_PATH", LauncherActivity.getAndroidDataDir(), 1 ); else setGame...
/ffi.lua:1603:'libcudnn (R5) not found in library path.PleaseinstallCuDNN from https://developer.nvidia.com/cuDNNThenmakesure files named as libcudnn.so.5or libcudnn.5.dylib are placedinyour library load path (forexample /usr/local/lib , or manually add a path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH)...