perl util\mkdef.pl32ssleay>ms\ssleay32.def 修改为: 代码语言:javascript 复制 perl util\>MINFOperl util\ nasm debugVC-WIN32>ms\nt.mak perl util\ dll nasm debugVC-WIN32>ms\ntdll.mak perl util\ nasmBC-NT>ms\bcb.mak perl util\mkdef.pl32libeay>m...
Windows 编译 openssl-1.0.2p(libeay32.lib、ssleay32.lib)静态库 3264、debugrelease、MTMTd 最近要用到 libeay32.lib、ssleay32.lib 两个静态库文件,因为以前项目中其中一个文件在 64 位编译时选择的不是 MTd,而导致我引入该库以后提示运行时库和其他库声明冲突,其实实际原因就是生成选项不一样...最终我...
Greetings to all! Sorry me for such question, i dont quite full know all OpenSSl stuff. So - i need actual, the latest version, static and dynamic libraries of ssleay32 and libeay32, for openssl sources on that github branch - where i ca...
在编译openssl 时,报缺少libeay32.lib 和 ssleay32.lib, 所以将自己用到的32位和64为库上传 上传者:xhw___001时间:2018-12-19 Windows下编译的Redis库,含(hiredis.lib,Win32_Interop.lib及相关头文件) 编译的版本为redis-win-3.2.100。若需要linux下版本或更高版本,可联系我,互相交流。Debug版本运行库为:...
So after some debug in Indy sources, I found that the problem comes in execution of method "SSL_CTX_new" in unit IdSSLOpenSSL, line 3156:Code: // create new SSL context fContext := SSL_CTX_new(SSLMethod); if fContext = nil then EIdOSSLCreatingContextError.RaiseException(RSSSLCreating...
* -DBOLDLY_CLOSE_DISPLAY=0 to not close X DISPLAY under -rawfb. * -DSMALL_FOOTPRINT=1 for smaller binary size (no help, no gui, etc) * use 2 or 3 for even smaller footprint. * -DNOGUI do not include the gui tkx11vnc. * -DPOLL_8TO24_DELAY=N * -DDEBUG_XEVENTS=1 enable...
libeay32.lib & ssleay32.lib will be built in directory out32; the necessary include files will be built inc32\openssl Make sure you use /MT switch consistently when building your application. If you attempt a 'debug' build of your application the default switch /MTd ...
ssleay32.lib(d1_both.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ___iob_func 2019-12-23 14:14 −解决办法,在 stdafx.cpp 中加入:// stdafx.cpp #define stdin (__acrt_iob_func(0)) #define stdout (__acrt_iob_func(1)) #define stderr (__acrt_iob_func(2)) F... ...
# JigsawDownload # See <> for details about jigdo # See <> for details about JTE [Jigdo] Version=1.1 Generator=libjte-1.0.0 [Image] Filename=ubuntu-15.04-server-i386.iso Template=ubuntu-15.04-server-i386.template Te...
VS2010使用openssl的静态库libeay32.lib和ssleay32.lib 这是我的博客的另一个地址: 1. 首先从网上下载两个文件:一个是Perl,一个是openssl-1.0.1. 2. 然后对ActivePerl进行安装。解压openssl-1.0.1.tar.gz至C盘。 3. 使用VS2010自动命令行来...