OMG!!莉莉Liam Payne和Cheryl分手了!!在同时在推上发布声明:我们很伤心的宣布,我们即将分开,这对我们来说是个艰难的决定,作为家庭我们依然会爱彼此,Bear将是我们的全部,也请大家尊重他的隐私,因为我们一起走过这段路。 两人在一起两年半,并在去年三月生了他们的第一个孩子。 û收藏 19 ...
好养眼!莉莉Liam Payne和女神级女友Cheryl手牵手现身活动极清新图大赏!! û收藏 98 177 ñ689 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 播客Houson猴姆 音乐博主 视频博主 查看更多 a 522关注 885.7万粉丝 147391微博 微关系 他的关注(515) 哎一...
Liam Payne|小破团莉莉与女友Cheryl宣布分手,一年前刚刚当父母 “莉莉”Liam Payne和Cheryl分手了。双方已经在各自的推上发表了声明,两年半的恋情至此宣告结束。谢丽尔和我很遗憾地宣布我们要分手了。这对我们来说是一个艰难的决定。我们仍然深爱着彼此,但是是以家人的形式。Bear是我们的全部,在我们分手的过程中...
Liam Payne and Cheryl Tweedy’s joint workouts September 2, 2017 Cheryl Tweedy: Liam Payne is an ‘amazing daddy’ June 19, 2017 Liam Payne rules out ‘cheesy’ duet with Cheryl Tweedy June 6, 2017 Niall Horan has a ‘similar music taste’ to Harry Styles May 17, 2017 Liam...
Liam Payne and Cheryl ColeVenturelli/WireImage December 2019 While Payne moved on withMaya Henry, he shared that he planned onspending the holidayswith Cole and his son. “I’m going to go down and see Bear, maybe cook a Christmas dinner and just hang out with family,” Payne said on ...
Liam Payne and Cheryl Tweedy’s joint workouts September 2, 2017 Cheryl Tweedy: Liam Payne is an ‘amazing daddy’ June 19, 2017 Liam Payne rules out ‘cheesy’ duet with Cheryl Tweedy June 6, 2017 Niall Horan has a ‘similar music taste’ to Harry Styles May 17, 2017 Liam...
Cheryl and Liam Payne attending the Brit Awards in 2018 (PA) 2017 - Liam and Cheryl welcome their first child On 25 March 2017, the couple announced the arrival of their first child, whom they named Bear. Cheryl shared a picture of Liam holding the newborn. ...
在与前女友Cheryl分手一个月后, 莉莉Liam Payne被爆出新恋情。 这位24岁的英国歌手被拍到, 与一个年轻女子在意大利科莫湖, 度过了一个浪漫的周末。 这对新情侣被拍到手牵手散步 双臂环抱在一起,看起来十分亲密。 他俩还被拍到在车里接吻, 显然已经不是第一次约会了。
Payne, meanwhile, wrote his own caption to the same photo, in which he admits that there are very few times that he is left speechless and seeing his son for the first time was one of those moments. "I'm incredibly happy to welcome our new baby boy into the world, it's a momen...
2008: Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole meet for the first time In 2008, Payne and Cole met when Payne auditioned for "The X Factor" at 14 years old. At the time, Cole was acting as a judge on the program alongside Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh. ...