Liability Waivers and Youth Sports: an Empirical InvestigationBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksAlfred C. Yen
Waiver of liability.Before participating in a sport, you may be asked to sign a waiver of liability for your child. A waiver is simply an agreement wherein a parent releases certain parties (usually the organizing association or school) from any liability related to injuries suffered. Every sta...
sports lawtortsand contractsThis article explores whether there is empirical support for the assertion that enforcing liability waivers signed by parents increases participation in youth sAlfred C. YenMatthew GregasSocial Science Electronic Publishing
Yes, parental involvement is a liability in youth sports. The media has shown us what happens...American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)JOPERD--The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
SCHOOL sportsTEENAGERSRECREATIONEDUCATION -- Parent participationInvestigates whether parental involvement is a liability in youth sports. Ways parental involvement in youth sport is a liability; Goal of parental involvement; Main goals of physical educators....