商务翻译例文——责任保险/Liability Insurance Some forms of liability insurance, such as products liability, errors and omissions liability and directors' and officers' liability insurance, are usually written on a "claims-made" basis - the policy...
The meaning of PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE is insurance to protect businessmen (as owners or landlords) against loss due to legal liability for injury or damage to the persons or property of the public.
❓什么是责任保险(liability insurance),我需要它做什么? ⭐责任保险承保责任内损失,从而使保护投保人不会因损失而失去自己的财产。 例如,如果投保人丢失了租住公寓的钥匙,或者忘关水龙头导致家具浸水,这种损失一般就属于责任保险的承保范围。 ⭐但请注意,保险公司不同,所包含的保险金额和范围也不同。
Liability insurance 用Gymglish学习英语词汇小贴士和定义。 提升您的英语水平并免费试用我们的在线英语课程。 测试你的英语免费试用, 无购买义务 定义 a liability insurance:责任险idiom a life insurance:人寿险idiom "Shannon : It sounds like you might needlife insuranceas well."...
产品责任保险(product liability insurance):是指因产品本身的缺陷造成他人(一般是指消费者)人身或财产的损失为承保责任。产品责任险保障的是产品给他人造成的人身伤害或财产损失承担赔偿责任。第三者责任险(third-party liability insurance):是指被保险人或其允许的驾驶人员在使用保险车辆过程中发生意外事故,致使...
Insurance Liability. All exhibitors at the 2020 National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic at the Minneapolis Convention Center will need to provide a certificate of liability insurance naming Pheasants Forever, Inc. as an additional insured. This certificate must be delivered prior to January 1st, 2020...
Liability car insurance is the part of a car insurance policy that provides financial protection for a driver who harms someone else or their property while operating a vehicle. Car liability insurance only covers injuries or damages to third parties and their property—not to the driver or the ...
liability insurance liabilityinsurance责任险 Liabilityinsurance Liabilityinsurance,liabilityinsurance),referstotheunderwriterinsuranceinsurantofcivildamagecompensationliabilityinsurancecover,therearemainlythepublicliabilityinsurance,thirdpartyliabilityinsuranceandproductliabilityinsurance,employerliabilityinsurance,professionalliability...
责任险(liabilityinsurance),指保险人承保被保险人的民事损害赔偿责任的险种,主要有公众责任保险、第三者责任险、产品责任保险、雇主责任保险、职业责任保险等险种。责任保险,适用于一切可能造成他人财产损失与人身伤亡的各种单位、家庭或个人。Summarize Specifically,theapplicablescopeoftheliabilityinsurance,includingthe...
Analysts ideally want to see that a company can paycurrent liabilitiesthat are due within a year with cash. Some examples of short-term liabilities include payroll expenses and accounts payable which can include money owed to vendors, monthly utilities, and similar expenses. Other examples include:...