While you may think that you are over-prepared for a wedding you are about to photograph, an unforeseen crisis while you’re photographing can sometimes turn out to get very complicated and very expensive. A liability insurance policy can protect you in these situations and also provide you wit...
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A summer home on the beach is still subject to taxes. So is that refinancing you might have undertaken to pay for your daughter’s wedding. If you think you will be facing foreclosure in the near future, or if you are considering “short selling” your home for less than your mortga...
The wedding planner cannot obtain insurance for nor sell the products to the client; unless the planner is a licensed insurance agent as well. However, insurance for the couple should be an item that all wedding planners are keenly aware of and be prepared and able to offer guidance to the...
I needed wedding insurance for my ceremony and realized that the certificate of insurance was due at least 30 days before the wedding (and that deadline was quickly approaching). I wasn’t sure what type of policy I needed, so at 10:30 PM last night, I submitted a form, explaining the...
Other employee benefits include medical insurance and mandatory provident fund. 僱員薪酬乃根據一般市場標準及僱員之表現 及經驗釐定,集團並 會根 據公司已審 核的業 績透 過獎 賞評核 政策,對有良好 表現的員工 發放花紅.其他 員工福 利 包括 醫療保險及強 制性公積金. Performance Based Incentives The ...
Weddings & Social Events The best wedding transportation in Dubai. That is where we come in. Akbar Express wedding transportation services define luxury. We help you put your party and guests in the good hands of professionals. Our company offers classy, reliable, and creative wedding transportatio...