liability insurance),指保险人承保被保险人的民事损害赔偿责任的险种,主要有公众责任保险(public liability insurance)、第三者责任险(third-party liability insurance)、产品责任保险(product liability insurance)、雇主责任保险(employer's liability insurance)、职业责任保险(professional liability insurance)等...
Dual capacity suits: These are lawsuits brought by an employee against an employer with whom they share a second relationship, such as both an employer and a manufacturer. Workers' compensation can't handle such complicated cases, but employers liability insurance can. Consequential bodily injury: ...
employer,s liability insurance 搜索 词条搜索全文检索 在这里读懂会计 已有3736用户贡献34225词条 编辑次数:0次 | 最近更新:2007/8/23|历史版本 雇主责任保险,职工伤害保险 词条标签 会计英文词汇
Typically, the Worker’s Compensation Board follows a “no-fault” approach where workers are not required to prove negligence on behalf of the employer that directly caused the harm or injury. However, an employer’s liability insurance requires proof of negligence and is a coverage that is typ...
雇主责任保险,职工伤害保险 词条标签 会计英文词汇 词条贡献人 系统生成 本词条被0个词条引用 本词条被阅读719次 employer,s liability insurance被推荐0次 我觉得这个词条解释正确我觉得这个词条解释不正确 会计今日事 03月 08日星期六 1994年,会计学会和中注协分署...
In the event of a payout under an employers' liability insurance policy, an employer can help limit their losses by including, as a condition of thepayout, a clause that releases the employer and their insurance company from further liability—that is, responsibility—related to the incident in...
1.Enhancement on Employer's Liability Insurance in High-risk Industries加强高危行业雇主责任保险风险管控的思考 英文短句/例句 1.Enhancement on Employer's Liability Insurance in High-risk Industries加强高危行业雇主责任保险风险管控的思考 2.The Research on the Importance and Possibility of Developing Employer...
内容提示: 雇主责任险(Employer liability insurance) Employer liability insurance Employer liability insurance refers to the insured employee engaged in insurance and employed in the process specified in the insured and business related work accidents or patients with relevant provisions of the state ...
Full indemnity up to the limit of liability specified in the policy, in respect of injury, disease or death of any person under the employment arising out of and in the course of employee’s functions relating to the employment in the business of the employer and as per the verdict of the...
雇主责任险(Employerliabilityinsurance) Employerliabilityinsurance Employerliabilityinsurancereferstotheinsuredemployee engagedininsuranceandemployedintheprocessspecifiedin theinsuredandbusinessrelatedworkaccidentsorpatients withrelevantprovisionsofthestateoccupationdisease, causedbyinjury,disabilityordeath,"accordingtothe insu...