What might be the rationale for not excluding long-term deferred tax liabilities from liabilities when computing the debt to equity ratio? What is the justification for discounting deferred tax liabilities under either comprehensive or partial allocation?
In practice, attempts to promulgate a specific standard or interpretation for toxic products generally, or asbestos specifically, have been limited. It well established that the information produced by following accounting standards and listing rules does not adequately reflect non-financial information (A...
1. Interpretation question Given main ratio formula 5 years financial statements. Do horizontal analysis as well as vertical ratios. Horizon 分享8赞 瑞士银行吧 *我想知道有关瑞士银行的简介? 分享4赞 会计吧 啊啊啊啊Dear Sirs, In response to your invitation to comment, and as a preparer of ...
Reported amounts of deferred tax assets (liabilities) can affect financial statement interpretation and analysis. Investors and creditors can ignore deferred taxes, include them in equity, or consider them as real assets or liabilities. Ratios such as debt to equity, return on assets, and current ...
Explain why liabilities are added to equity to determine assets. What is the rollover defense of the liability interpretation of deferred taxes, and how has it been attacked? Describe what the footnotes to the financial statements should disclose as related to deferred taxes. Define current...